Chapter 2

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[Trigger warning; attempted rape...]

I sung quietly to myself while I started setting the table.  There were so many places to set it was ridiculous.

"I should be over all the butterflies.  I'm into you, I'm into you.  And baby even on our worst nights.  I'm into you.  I'm into you" I sang.  I shook my hips a little bit.  "Let em wonder how we got this far.  Cause I don't really need to wonder at all yeah after all this time.  I'm still into you" Someone grabbed my ass and I jumped.  Pete laughed behind me.  I turned around and stared at him.

"What?  You were shaking it right in front of me I had to grab it"

"I didn't exactly know you were back there you asshole" I said annoyedly.  He smirked. 

"You do have a nice ass" He slid his hands down my thighs and over my ass again.  "Maybe I can play with it later tonight"

"Since when are you this horny?" I asked.  He kissed me squeezing my ass. 

"How much time do we have?" he asked.

"A few hours"

"Perfect" He pushed me onto the table kissing me again.  I grabbed the hem of his shirt while he kissed my neck and pulled if over his head.  Then someone cleared their throat behind us and I remembered we were in a dining room.  I looked over at my mom.

"H-Hi mom" I said smiling awkwardly.  She shook her head smiling.

"No fucking on the dining room table please people eat there" She said crossing her arms.  I blushed and hopped off.

"Sorry" I said walking over to her.  He smacked my ass while I walked away.  I squealed and grabbed it.  "Pete!" I yelled.  He laughed.

"Like I said it's a nice ass" He said. 

"Put your shirt back on bloodsucker" I glared at him.  He smirked at me.

"Bloodsucker?" my mom asked. 

"It's my nickname.  It's a private joke"  Pete explained while he pulled his shirt over his head.  I hugged his side and he placed his arm around my waist. 

"I want some snuggles" I pouted. 

"I can give you some snuggles later"

"But I want some snuggles now"

"Well I wanted sex like five minutes ago but we don't always get what we want" I pushed his shoulder and made a whining noise.

"Snuggles!" I demanded.  He lifted me up bridal style with ease.  I nuzzled my head into his neck.

"I fucking love you" he said. 

"I fucking love you more" I kissed his neck.  He pressed his forehead against mine and closed his eyes. 

"Saying you love me more than I love you is like saying a lake is more than an ocean" He bit his lip.  I moved his lip out of his teeth and kissed him.  He moved away squeezing his eyes shut.  I saw his fangs grow out.  He dropped me and ran downstairs. 

"Woah what was that?" My mom asked.  I shrugged.  I ran after him to see if he was okay.  He was staring at himself in the bathroom mirror breathing heavily.  His eyes were a blood red.  He looked over at me.

"Pete?" I asked.

"S-somethings wrong I smell blood.  I-I'm so thirsty" He looked at me "Patrick I-I need to get out of here"

"When did you last eat?" I asked.  He glared at me and disappeared.  "Pete!" I yelled.  I stared at the garage door that was now wide open.  Fuck what was I gonna do now?  Everyone was gonna be here soon and I now had a blood thirsty vampire in the CITY looking for deer. 

"Patrick are you guys okay!?" My mom yelled.

"Uh, y-yeah we're gonna take a quick walk!" I yelled back.

"Okay!" she closed the door.  I groaned and ran out of the garage.
"Pete!" I yelled in the woods.  It was getting late.  Everyone was probably almost there.  "Bloodsucker!" I sighed "I need you" I mumbled sadly.  I'd ran all around yelling his name but he never turned up.  I didn't wanna face my family alone.  "Please" I mumbled.  I shivered from how cold it was getting.  The sun was going down. 

"Hey!" someone yelled.  I turned around.  A guy ran over to me.  "You lost or something kid?" he asked. 

"No" I said.  He smirked and threw me back against a tree.  The wind got knocked from my lungs.  He grabbed my throat. choking me.

"Don't scream or I'll kill you.  Understand?" he held up a knife.  I knees him hard in his balls and tried to get away but he grabbed my hair.  He pulled me back covering my mouth as I screamed in pain.  "You fucker!" he yelled.  He held the knife to my throat. He grabbed my shirt and started pulling it off.  I fought him but he held my arms back.  He pulled my shirt up more.  I screamed but it got lost in his palm.  He used his legs to block mine from being able to move.  I tried to scream Petes name but his palm muffled my screams.  He stuck his hand partially down my pants.  I started crying now trying anything I could to stop him.  I pushed and shoved but he was stronger than me.  He screamed and got pulled off of me.  Finally.  I looked over at Pete.  He stared in rage at the man. 

"What are you!?" the man asked.  Petes eyes were the darkest red I'd ever seen them.  He glared at the man and squeezed his neck.  He threw him at a tree.  He fell to the ground.  He was clearly dead but Pete didn't stop.  He bit his neck and drained him completely of his blood.  Then he threw him.  Blood ran down his chin while I attempted to collect myself.  I tried to stop crying but I couldn't.  I scratched my stomach to make the feeling of his hands go away.  Pete looked over at me.  He was in front of me in seconds. 

"Make it stop" I begged.  He grabbed my hands and hugged me tightly.  Protectively.  "Don't leave me.  Please don't leave me don't let go"

"Oh my god" He whispered. 

"I'm okay.  I'm okay" I said.  He let out a shaky breath.  "I'm okay Pete"

"I-I don't think I am" he said.  I shook in his arms.
I woke up to him carrying me.  The blood was washed off his mouth and he looked like a normal person.  He walked up the steps to my grandparents house. 

"When did I fall asleep?" I asked.  He looked down at me.

"About ten minutes ago" he said opening the door.  I closed my eyes again.  "Patricia!" he yelled.  She ran out of the dining room.

"Oh thank god you're okay.  I was so worried"

"Don't tell her" I whispered so low I knew only he could hear.  He could hear everything.

"I went out and got lost.  I found Patrick against a tree asleep so I guess he was looking for me"

"Everyones here if you wanna get him cleaned up.  We just started eating" She ran her hand down my face.  I opened my eyes and she smiled at me.  "Hey sleepyhead.  Go get washed up okay?"

"Okay" I said.  Pete walked me upstairs to the bathroom.  He turned the shower on after putting me on the floor.  "Pete" I whispered.  He looked down at me.  My lip quivered "I-I" I reached up.  He leaned down and hugged me tightly.  "I love you" I whimpered. 

"Sh.  You're safe now.  I love you so much" he whispered.

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