Character Answers

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Q: adopt me? :)
A: I would love that but we'd have to change you and I couldn't bear that... plus pete doesn't really like people

Q: Do you like being a human or a vampire better?
A: I miss being human sometimes.  Things were a bit different to me because I was a bit more fragile Pete was a bit less harsh with me.  Sometimes he can be a bit rough... if you catch my drift.  But I like being a vampire more because I know I'll be able to stay with Pete for eternity so that's rad

Q: I expect little pete and patrick babies in the future
A: I-I don't think that's genetically possible....

Q: You are so smol and adorable.  Do you think Pete will share?
A: -snorts- have you met my husband.  Sorry, no.  But you're very adorabele too :3

Q: soft !! boy !! ily so much !! you're so sweet and kind !!! hugs and kisses to you !!! you're such a handsome bby boy !!!!!
A: Thank you, holy smokes this is so sweet you have such a kind sweet heart thank you<3


Q: Is it possible to adopt vampire babies/ kids
A: Very dangerous.  No.  My apologies

Q: love you so much father, take care of pattycakes for me
A: I plan to.  Always.

Q: How old are you?
A: My body is frozen at 22 but my age is 138

Q: I want you to fuck patrick and don't stop till there's a baby!!!!!
A: As my husband stated before I don't think that's genetically possible.  But I would gladly fuck him ;)

Q: Will you share Patty with me?
A: No.

Q: thank you for protecting my soft angel boy. can we share Patty btw?
A: I'll always protect him and uh, no.


Q: when do you plan on marrying joe?

A: We've agreed we wanna do this right and wait until we're both ready so that's an unanswerable question my dear friend

Q: crossfit vegans are the best B)
A: damn straight!  Oops I mean damn gay!


Q: i'm gonna shove an entire pine tree up your ass dry, little bitch
A: yikes.............

Q: Dick
A: I suck dick ngl

Q: i hate you.  you made my soft bby sad. pls kys
A: I'm already dead so I mean


Q: Adopt me pretty pleaseeeeeeeee with a cherry on top?!
A: Okay :)

Q: invite me to your wedding
A: When I get married ofc

Q: you're so handsome ily
A: Andy says I'm pretty.  I love you too


Q: why did you get back with the asshole known as patrick's father :/
A: I was lonely and stupid

Q: was Patrick hard to raise? you've raised him well, he turned into an amazing handsome young man !!
A: thank you so much I'm very proud of him.  He was actually very easy to raise.  I'm glad I had such a great son

Patrick's dad

Q: Why you so mean?
A: I'm not. 

Q: why must you hurt my bby boy
A: Because I am a good parent.


Q: did you fuck my son yet, smol child???
A: Still a virgin.  I wanna wait until I know it's the real deal

Q: How are things going with Gee?
A: Amazing!!!!!!!!!!


Q: Did you and Frankie do the nasty?
A: Frank wants to wait until he knows it's real.  And if waiting is what he wants to do I'll gladly wait

Q: does smol frankie have a smol weenie or nah?
A: As far as I know it's a pretty good size ;)

to author:
you beautiful and kind soul, love you so much<3

Thank you I love you and everyone who takes their time to read what I write.  I love you guys<3

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