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"Dad, I know this is seriously but you really need to take a break." Cassadee told her father as she pulled Riley Biers' missing poster and file away from the coffee table.

"He went missing over a year ago in Seattle." Charlie told his daughter as she set the papers on the kitchen table. "I can't even imagine what his parents are going through."

"You did everything you could, Dad." Cassadee assured her father as she put a piece of pizza on a plate and set it in front of Charlie. "But you need to take care of yourself first."

Charlie ran his hand over his face, his exhaustion showing clearly. "I just want to help them. I basically lost my mind when you went missing for three days. I swear I didn't sleep until I knew you were safe."

"I'm sorry for everything I've put you through in the past year." Cassadee apologized to her father as she took a seat next to him. "I know it isn't like me to disappear for days at a time but I swear there's a good reason for it, and maybe someday you'll know."

"You're not doing drugs are you?" Charlie asked bluntly, watching his daughter for any sign of a lie.

"What?" Cassadee asked in shock. "No! There's just so much going on with graduation and then college, it's just a lot for me to handle." She lied easily, although it wasn't a total lie. She did have a lot going on with school but that was the least of her problems.

"I'm very proud of you, Sassy Cassie." Charlie said as he put his arm around the brunette's shoulder. "You couldn't care less about school before and now you're about to graduate with honors and go to college."

"This is the most heartfelt you've ever gotten." Cassadee laughed as she looked up at her father. "But onto a serious topic, how do you feel about me joining the circus instead of going to college?"

Charlie snorted. "Well, as long as you aren't a clown then I guess I can handle it."

"I am thoroughly convinced that clowns were put on this earth just to terrify people." Cassadee shared her theory with Charlie. "Nothing that is supposed to make people happy is that terrifying to most people."

Charlie nodded as he listened to his daughter before changing the subject. "How are you and Jasper?"

"Are you really asking me about my love life, Dad?" Cassadee snorted.

Charlie shrugged, feeling uncomfortable at the subject but he needed to know. "I just want to know how serious you are, that's all."

"We're not in a relationship but we aren't just friends either, it's something in between." Cassadee spoke honestly. "I don't even know exactly what it is."

Charlie sighed and took a drink of beer. "My life was a lot easier when you girls thought boys had cooties."

Cassadee was about to reply but instead furrowed her brows in confusion when she heard the roar of an engine speeding down the road, knowing it had to be one of the Cullen's, most likely Edward. No one else on her street drove at that speed and come to a screeching halt that quickly. She heard the door open and slam shut, and not a second later she had a feeling that told her to go outside or something would happen. She got up from her spot and rushed outside, seeing Edward and Jacob in each other's faces and Bella attempting to get between them.

"If you ever touch her against her will again–" Edward threatened as he held onto Jacob's black shirt as Cassadee ran down the front steps.

"Don't do this here!" Bella shouted over Edward as she held her wrist to her chest.

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