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"My dad promised we would go to Disney World for my graduation present and instead I'm standing in the middle of a field." Cassadee told her boyfriend as she looked around the field that was surrounded by forest as Bella and Edward approached them. "This is the complete opposite of the most magical place on earth."

"I'll make sure you guys go when this is over." Jasper assured the brunette before kissing the side of her head.

"Jasper said that I could be of help." Bella said when the two couples met each other, causing everyone to look at the blond vampire and him to silently curse the younger Swan when he saw the look on his girlfriend's face.

"We won't need your help." Edward assured Bella. "With the wolves in this, it's an easy win. The rest of us aren't gonna have enough to do."

"Okay so it's either going to so dangerous that I have to hide or it's so easy that you're gonna be sidelined. Which is it?"

"It's dangerous for you but easy for us." Edward clarified.

Bella rolled her eyes and looked at her sister. "Cassie, can you help me out here?"

Cassadee crossed her arms over her chest, looking between Bella and Edward as she let her intuitive instincts kick in, when there was no strong feeling that something would go wrong, she spoke. "Are you sure you want to do this, Bells?" The brunette questioned, her eyes soft as her tone was full of concern. She didn't care that she knew nothing bad would happen, she would always worry about Bella.

"Yes." Bella nodded vigorously. "I wanna help in any way that I can."

"Fine." The Equalizer sighed and ran a hand through her curly hair before staring her sister in the eyes. "But you're staying with me, no matter what. Do you understand me?"

Bella rolled her eyes at Cassadee. "Yes, Mom."

"I don't think she would be safer with you." Edward shook his head. "You have Victoria after you. Do you really think it's a good idea to have Bella with you?"

Cassadee looked at Edward in disbelief as she put her hands on her hips. "Would you rather have her be with me where there is only one vampire or you where there's an army?"

"Can everyone stop acting like I'm not here?" Bella almost shouted, looking between her sister and boyfriend.

Cassadee turned to her sister as she saw Jacob approach from the corner of her eye. "Would you rather stay with me or Edward?"

Bella looked torn, not wanting to choose between the two people she loved most. "I'm sorry, Edward." She apologized to her boyfriend before glancing over to Cassadee. "But Cass has always been there for me. She makes me feel safest."

"I'm debating over whether I should say 'I told you so' now or later." Cassadee told Jasper, a smug smile on her face as she looked at Edward.

"Your face says it all, Cassie." Edward said in annoyance, causing Cassadee's smile to grow more.

"Whatever." Jacob rolled his eyes, speaking for the first time. "Just tell me the plan."

"This field will give us an advantage in battle." Jasper told the werewolf. "We need to lure the newborns with Bella's scent, but it needs to end here."

"Edward and I are gonna be at a campsite." Bella said, looking at the ground rather than Jacob. "Even if he carries me, they'll still pick up on out scents."

"Your stench, however, is revolting." Edward told Jacob.

"Dude, you really don't wanna start comparing stinks." Jacob shot back.

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