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"I think I'm gonna have a panic attack." Cassadee told her father as they got ready to walk down the aisle. She reached behind her head and checked to make sure that her hair was still in the perfect braided bun before feeling the sapphire necklace her parents had given her that had been her grandmothers. She ran her hand down the lace wedding dress to make sure everything was still in tact and in perfect condition. "This is the most nerve wracking thing I've ever done."

"Do you not want to marry him?" Charlie questioned quickly, seeming hopeful. "I'll go tell him right now." He said as he got out of his daughter's grip.

"No, Dad." Cassadee laughed as she grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "It's just nerves."

Immediately after saying that, Cassadee felt a wave of calmness run through her body. She looked to the end of the aisle, seeing Jasper, looking even more handsome in a tux, with a smirk on his face.

"We can always do this another time." Charlie pointed out, looking down at Cassadee. "You guys have plenty of time. You guys have only been engaged for a month, some people wait years—"

"Dad," Cassadee cut her father off and looked up at him, giving him a reassuring smile. "You seem more nervous than me."

"Of course I am, my little girl isn't so little anymore." Charlie took a deep and shaky breath to keep himself from crying. "I figured this day would come but not this soon."

Cassadee gave her father's arm a comforting squeeze before looking at Jasper again, really looking at him. The sight of him almost made her weak in the knees, and the smirk certainly did not help. "Just don't let me fall."

"I never have before and I don't plan on it now. Or ever."

Both Swan's took a deep breath before slowly walking to the end of the aisle. To Jasper, the man that would be Cassadee's husband in a matter of minutes. She looked at him and only him, smiling as she got closer. The brunette didn't pay any attention to the attendees that were standing and smiling at her. Nothing matter at that moment more than Jasper.

Charlie and Cassadee stopped when they reached Jasper, Cassadee couldn't seem happier while Charlie looked the complete opposite. He kissed her forehead before putting Cassadee's hand in Jasper's and taking his seat next to Renee.

Jasper smiled lovingly down at Cassadee, the look was so sweet that the brunette thought she would get a cavity. It was at this moment that she realized what everyone always said. He really did look at her like she was the most precious thing in the world.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Jasper Hale and Cassadee Swan." The minister announced before turning to Jasper. "Repeat after me. I, Jasper Hale."

"I, Jasper Hale." The blond vampire repeated before continuing to do so after the minister spoke, the smile never leaving his face. "Take you, Cassadee Swan. To have and to hold. For better or for worse. For richer, for poorer. In sickness and in health. To love and to cherish as long as we both shall live. I do."

Cassadee smiled as she repeated after the minister, which was verbatim, aside from her name, what Jasper said.

"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife." The minister smiled, looking at Jasper. "You may now kiss the bride."

Jasper didn't waste a second before letting go of Cassadee's hands and moving them to her waist. Cassadee leaned up and pressed her lips to Jasper's, and although the kiss itself didn't last long because they began smiling and laughing at the applause, but mostly Emmett wolf-whistling, it still felt different than any other kiss they shared. This was their first kiss as husband and wife.

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