Chapter 9: Slytherin

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As the dinner was about to end, the other Houses were now clammoring. The Headmaster approached the podium and pointed his wand to his throat again.

"Before we end the Feast, may I remind everyone that no one shall venture inside the Forbidden Forest and around the castle alone. Lastly, the Third Floor is off limits to all. Your Head of House shall orient you, especially the first years, about the House Rules and the do's and don't's. Twindle! Yellow! Thunder! Tweak! That is all. May I wish everyone a good night."


Everyone scrambled from their seats, and everyone, including the Slytherin First Years, were guided by their respective Prefects.

They were ushered in the Slytherin Common Room by a tanned, tall boy, with neat hair. His eyes were dark gray in color, and he has eyeglasses.

"Sit down, now, you lot. Settle down, settle down," The other years went to find a spot, as they have memorized the Room. The First Years were offered to sit in front. Brandon settled on the floor with Hermione in tow, along with Lancel and the others. Malfoy took a place on one of the sofas, earning a glare from some of the Upper Years.

"Now, good evening, everyone. For the First Years, my name in Iann Verona, and I am your Prefect for this year. I am in my seventh year here. Along with me is Prefect Helena Wellington."

A slender woman stood and gave a smile. She was as pale as Iann was tanned, and had soft features. Her eyes were blue as the sky, her lips were thin, but not too much, and had this long, straight, sleek black hair that had a hairband to keep it neat.

"You may approach us if you are in need of any assistance." She said.

Just then, a man entered silently. Brandon looked up and saw the long hooked nose, the pale skin and the long hair, with black eyes staring at him. Then at the others.

"Everyone," Prefect Helena began, "may we introduce our Head of House and our Potions Professor, Professor Snape."

"Good evening, my Slytherins," his voice was almost... silky. And so familiar. Brandon can't help but stare at the dark, fathomless eyes and get drowned on them.

Why does he have the feeling the has seen the man-

At the Potions Apothecary, you idiot!

The voice was small, but it was enough for the realization to dawn unto him. He couldn't help but stare at the man before him, and try to get the bumping incident out of his head.

He was thankful that he was successful enough to catch the next words of the man, but not so fast to see that the others had left, "... We may be a shunned House, but we are a proud one. We are considered Dark and Vile, but do not let this... Nonsense rule us, brand us. We do not brag about our achievements, our learnings, our success. We sit in silence, but we do something. We do not let stupid emotions get in the way, nor do we let our head rule the most. We keep balance between them. Do remember that! The other Houses hate us, you are aware of it, so I hope you will develop unity. Help one another, and keep the Slytherin gossips among and inside this Common Room, this tower and yourselfves. If I hear any of you rough housing or calling each other names, I will deal with you myself. You do not want that! And lastly, on your beds, you will find several papers and booklets. They are designed to help you on your first week. They include maps to your classes and your timetables as well, along with the school rules and the House rules. Do remember to be punctual, courteous and neat. Do not disgrace our proud House, and if you ever will," the dark eyes saw him again, "I will make sure you get to answer to that. To me. Am I clear?"

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