Chapter 10 - First Day

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That morning, Brandon Dursely was the first to wake up. It was dawn still, and Sebastian awoke as soon as he did. He stretched and yawned, then quietly made his way to his trunk and got his robes, set his clothes for the day as neatly as he could and set them on his bed. He took his towel, robe and toiletries and padded barefooted inside the spacious shower room. The tap and the shower had heaters on them and for that, Brandon was thankful.

He took his bath steadiously and as cleanly as he could. Petunia always made sure they were clean and cool at the end of the bath. As soon as he finished, he got himself ready and dried himself thoroughly. As soon as he felt satisfied, He grabbed a booklet and began to read with Sebastian sleeping on his lap.

The others awoke a few moments later and he waited for them to finish their things and they all went down to head to the Common Room.


The first subject they had that day after breakfast was Transfiguration, then Charms, Arithmancy, History of Magic, Muggle Studies and the last was Potions. The Prefects made them all que in as they were hearded off to the Great Hall for breakfast, unlike the others.

"Brandon." Hermione lightened up as she saw him. She grabbed his hand and Brandon followed her to the Transfigurations classroom.

"Oh hey, we're one of the firsts." A black boy said.

"Oh, Zabini. We are the first." Lancelot replied.

Then they settled at the best seats. Of course, Hermione still sat beside him.

In fact, she sat beside him in every subject.

The Potions classroom was dank, but it smelled like a good mixture of the things back at the Apothecary and old parchment and books. For Brandon, it was good.

They are now seated inside the Potions' Classroom, waiting quietly for Professor Snape. The Griffyndors were nowhere to be found as of the moment. Sounds of book pages turned, scratching quills on parchment and whispers were heard. A few minutes later, the Griffyndors came in like there was 'actually a herd of Griffins', as Lancelot said.

"Where's my quill and parchment?!" Somebody demanded from across Brandon, and he knew who it was; Ronald Weasely.

Brandon looked at his first ever friend (or so he thought). Ron had his tie misplaced and his robe full of wrinkles. Brandon knew no Mum would ever allow her child to be so... untidy.

"That Weasely's so loud!" He heard Theodore Nott mutter beside Lancel. Theodore had his face stuck in a book with a quill in his right hand.

"I heard that, Slimy!" Ron was red faced as he turned to Theodore. As he was about to approach him, the classroom door swung with a loud bang.

"Silence!" Brandon would know who owned that voice anywhere.

"Go back to your seat, Weasely." The man was as black as night and the cloak was billowing as intimidating as ever. Brandon wondered if some kind of magic was needed for a cloak to billow the way his Head of House's did, "and pocket your wand, boy!"

Ronald's face went redder and he did as he was told. The man continued to stride towards the front.

"There will be no foolish wand waving in my class!" Snape's eyes was still fixed on Ron. At that point, Brandon pitied him. Snape looked so darn scary when he's crossed.

"Here, you will learn the art of subtle, delicate brewing. Potions is a useful subject. It can put a stopper to death..."

"And put an end to misery." Brandon grumbled under his breath. He knew the words. He read it many times before from the pamphlets that were given to him by Mr. Flankers. Brandon was determined to do well in this class, not to mention that Snape was their Head of House. He didn't want Snape's attention, or his approval in anything. Brandon was just so interested that he could highly contain his curiosity. Potions just seemed so wonderful!

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