Chapter 30: Boil, Boil, Boil!

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Severus Snape was a busy man, he can give you that. He has every right to claim that,  for he was the man who was the spy during the last War, the same man who is the youngest to acquire a Potions Mastery, a Head of House for Slytherin, a Potions Professor, and of course, above all the things that kept him busy these days was becoming Harry Potter's Entrusted. After all, he is a guardian with the blessing of having a very difficult ward. Well, more like a parent with a different title and with a very difficult child.

But in addition to all that, what tires Snape the most is the fact that he works for Albus Dumbledore. The old Headmaster had these crazy and mind boggling schemes. Severus might have respect and say, even fondness for Hogwarts' Headmaster, but whoever said that he cannot hate Albus at the same time? Just as the Dark Lord sends his Death Eaters to do his 'dirty work', as Muggles would so eloquently put it, Snape was put in a position to be Dumbledore's errand boy. It may be a very demeaning way to describe Severus' work, but there are worse words to do so.

But Snape liked the job. Truly, he liked it. It had all the thrill he needed, he had the passion for it, even the skills. He was the perfect fit for it. Plus, it paid well. Although, he had to put his life on the line from time to time, but still.

That was why he was here, at Hogwarts. He could've been in Spinner's End like he should be, or maybe he could claim his inheritance upon the House of Prince and live the easy life, but he still chose to be here. Perhaps, a key factor was that the Headmaster wanted him here, and needless to say, Snape was loyal to him, however barmy he may be. That was why it is the reason, of all the reasons as to why he is here, right at this moment, nursing a wounded leg but still setting up wards and not having a proper shut eye since the resuming of Term, that makes him stay.

Besides, Albus had crazier ideas than this.

"Severus? Severus, you are spacing out," McGonagall cut through Snape's line of thought. "What is it? Is it your leg?"

She was too nosy for her own good sometimes, but Severus was fiercely protective and honest to Minerva McGonagall. She understood his plight, even if she hadn't lead the life he did. She looked worried right now, as she always was whenever Snape confides in her tedious and motherly care.

Severus shook his head. No, it wasn't that. If there was anything that worries him these past few days, it was Harry, his ward. His boy, who was asking too much questions that confused him. Always about alchemy. Was his boy aiming to become an alchemist, Severus wondered? It hurts his head thinking about the idea. Ah, perhaps the main reason why it hurts his head to even fathom that is that it was exactly what he was dealing with right now.

Someone was targeting the Stone. Lucius had expressed concern and worry through a written note the man had given to Draco. Snape knew that some sort of 'inside job' or some sort of infiltration within Hogwarts' walls. The likely guess? That witless, turbanned, reeking, spineless Quirrel. The man bothers him. One moment clueless, the next lurking in the third floor corridor alone.

"Where is Brandon, Severus? I haven't seen your ward much this past week, nor his Direwolf. But then again, I haven't​ seen the both of you talking just as much," Minerva inquired as she sipped in her cup. "But I am overjoyed to tell you that he has managed to top this week's practical yet again. You must be proud of him, I wager."

Snape, at least, remembering how well Harry did since the beginning of Term, gave his mentor a small smile, "I am, Minerva. He is a brilliant student. Perhaps, he can be prefect once he turns his fifth year. And of course, he has a good chance to be part of Slytherin's Official Quidditch team in less than a year."

She laughed good naturedly. Severus, although not that obvious, is rather fond of Quidditch. Contrary to the rumours, he is more than well adept at flying. He was offered several positions during his time at Hogwarts, but declined them and focused instead on Potions and Defence. "You are a wicked man, Severus Snape! Although, I do not have any doubts. Perhaps I should train my team more?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows in a teasing manner.

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