Chapter 17: Revelation

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Severus Snape paced back and forth, and back and forth. Dumbledore had said he found a crucial information concerning the Potter boy, who was still under Pomfrey's observation in the Infirmary. He was put under a temporary nutrition potion supplement to make up for his lost energy and nutrients. The boy was getting thinner, though, despite the dark circles under the boy's eyes and the dazed look was not constant anymore. The boy could now talk, but he still has not said anything about what had happened to his family, except that he had a fatigue due to '...lack of sleep or giving time to eat' was the excuse the boy told his friends. Severus frowned when he saw a flock of the first years visiting to the boy. He never knew that the boy now had a gang of his own, and they all seemed to purebloods, with the exception of Granger.

He had been called to be with the Headmaster for tea, and thankful that this day was another lazy school day, he went to thinking about what would the Headmaster reveal to him this time. The last time was a bit of a scary memory, not for him but for the Potter boy-

Stop, Snape! Did you just show that you are concerned about the boy? Do you even remember who the boy looked like? Who the boy's father was?!

Yes, he does. But sometimes, he himself was bewildered why he had felt this about the boy- but it all proved that he was human, after all.

Prone to foolish sentimentality and idiotic empathy.

He wanted to slap himself again, but what excuse does he even have for feeling pity on the wretched brat?

Lost his parents to a self proclaimed dark lord, and now loosing his family to Muggles.

Severus now let memories slip. Was it not that he himself was put under the same misery, but under different circumstances? Losing his mother, whom he loved and loved him at fifteen because of a disease, and being abused since he could remember- by his own father, nonetheless. And of course, loving a woman who never, never looked at him the way he saw her, and her ending up married to the man who made his school days a living Hell.

At the last memory, Snape was snapped out by the grandfather's clock that chimed, stating that it was already three in the afternoon and Dumbledore was expecting him and not a moment later. He went through the Floo and strode towards his mentor, who smiled as soon as he saw him. Surprisingly, Minerva was there, looking a bit confused.

Well, Dumbledore seems to be in a good mood today...

Dumbledore seemed serious this past few days, and did not, for once, summoned him for three days. After telling the unfortunate accident to the boy, and the boy slaving himself, the Headmaster seemed to look a bit forlorn.

But now, he seemed pleased about something, and the twinkle in those blue eyes were back.

"Sit down, sit down, Severus. Tea?? The man offered and Snape nodded.

"What is it, Headmaster?" Snape inquired behind his cup.

"You are both aware of Mister... Potter's situation, yes?" He asked them both and they said nodded, "Then I believe you must have an idea as to why I called for you?"

"Have you found someone to entrust the boy to, Albus?" Minerva was having the first words as usual, and the older man smiled widely at the question.

"I have found something better, Minerva. I was busy this past few days that our Mister Potter- er, Dursely was kept with Poppy. The boy has not been breached by... other forces yet as we speak. So, I have initiated a visit to the boy's previous home, and checked the blood wards. You are aware of these, yes?"

Does the old coot take them for an eleven year old who just discovered the Wizarding World?!

"Yes, yes. We all know the blasted wards, Albus, now spit out what you have found!" Severus said, clearly turning irritated as the older man told his tale.

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