Chapter 26: The First Ride

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After talking and reading Little Lord Fauntleroy, Severus and Harry had found out that it was best to listen to Snape's voice telling the story. Harry was listening intently, enjoying his first Christmas with his Entrusted Guardian and drinking hot cocoa.

After lunch, Severus told Harry that he can pick the next activity. Harry said, after a few more arguements as to why should he, that he would like to make another ornament. He wanted Severus to see him make it. Harry said that back when he was in Petunia's care, he and Dudely would make artworks as their parents watched and would play with them after.

"Why make an ornament, then? You said that it takes up a lot of Magic, Harry. I don't want you to be exhausted, child," Severus stated, clearly concerned.

But, Harry was still beaming, "I just... My Magic calls me to, Professor."

At the reply, Severus shook his head but nodded nonetheless, "Oh, alright. Fine. But I would like to help you with it."

Harry's eyes widened, but he was looking forward to it, "Oh, really, Professor?"

"Really," Severus drawled, but his eyes were glinting.

"Let me get the book, then."

The boy scampered off to his room again, and while he did, Severus thought of Dumbledore. The old man hadn't even bothered to Floo call since the start of the Holidays, and Severus was anticipating.

Normally, Albus would check from time to time. But then again, normally, it was just him and Jar, who knew of Snape being a spy.

Or maybe, Albus was scheming some sort of grand plan again, or something crucial. Or maybe he was taking his time.

For whatwver reason it might be, Severus just let it slide. Maybe his employer was waiting for the beginning of the year to do something about that blasted Stone. Severus hoped that whatever great schemes the Almighty Dumbledore has in mind, it did not involve his ward.

Severus wanted to see his boy graduate Hogwarts, live through hell and back and have children of his own.

Whatever the Prophecy has in store, Severus just wamted to be done with it. He intends to live through it, and no force on Earth will ever be able to make him sway from his Vow.

As his train thoughts came to a halt, the boy was there, a large tome on his small hands, and the boy asked if he wanted to do that, pointing to a page.

Severus followed the finger and saw a moving picture of a miniature Christmas village, with little children prancing and adults gaily chatting or walking through the pavements. Every now and then, Saint Nick passed overhead the little roofs on a sleigh, the jingle of the reindeers' bells tinkling in midair.

The ornament looked intricate and dazzling, with, once again, the crystals of snow, with even additional frost and snowflakes.

For some reason, Severus smiled as he saw a little girl near a house, with a small boy throwing snowballs at her. For some reason, it reminded him of him and Lily, with her hair flowing through the air and him basking in the redness of it.

Harry saw the look on his guardian's features, and he smiled, too.

When Snape looked back to his ward, Harry was looking at him.

His almost black eyes met the shining, green ones and he was lost. With a hoarse voice, Severus said, "This is a beautiful scenery, Harry. Show me how you do it, then."

The pair of them took their wands out and for the whole afternoon, they were on the sitting room floor, whispering and smiling every now and then at a joke or a successful piece made.

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