Chapter 39: Crushes & Quidditch Seekers

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OOOH YEAH! I AM SOOOO BACK! TONS OF THINGS HAPPENED, BUT I AM RESURRECTED, BEYBEH! So, little chitchat before anything else: I would like to thank you all for voting and commenting and just simply loving this book. I am so thrilled to hear from you guys! Whatcha been up to while waiting? Me? Had school (goin' to college! Blimey! Me? A college kid in a few weeks! Yey!) and fam affairs, and even got hospitalized which sucked, but i'm fine now. Tell me what u think in the comments cuz i'm pretty lonely nowadays and...

Nah, just kidding! Read on! I've worked really hard on this one. Another one's comin' up really soon, so stay tuned! Tata. Pace!

Harry fiddled with his armband, trying to adjust the golden Celtic knot around his arm.

"You okay, Harry?" Brown eyes searched for reassurance towards his green ones, and Harry let out a wide smile towards Hermione. She smiled back and held his hand, entwining her warm fingers to his.

Since the creation of the armband, Harry had taken on a habit to adjust it every now and then, wanting to feel his father's warm Magic encircling his own. He, Hermione, and the rest of their friends were now walking side by side as they were to attend the final Quidditch Match of the School Year.

"You know, Harry, I wold really love to you play, mate. I mean, you're a bloody natural!" Lancel exclaims as they were turning around the corner.

"Oh please," Liannus groans as he faced his curly haired friend, "Snape will have his turn. Iara will graduate in what, two years' time? She'll be in Sixth Year when we return."

At the thought of the impending School Year Closing, he noticed Hermione tightened her hold on his hand. Harry slowed his pace down to get them away from their friends for a little while and when at a safe distance, he squeezed her palm. She immediately darted her eyes towards him. Stopping, he put a hand on her chin and gave her a smile, "Are you okay?"

Hermione grinned, brown eyes crinkling, "Of course!" Then her brows furrowed, "Why would you ask that?"

Harry shrugged then hummed, adding a small movement of his head, indicating that it was nothing.

"I think you have overly worried yourself over the Term. Really, 'Mione, you think I've not seen you go pale at the mere mention of some adventure? You took a copy of my schedules, had taken at least three looks at them this morning and went all mother hen when you saw that my Friday afternoons were loaded. That's really great of you to be on the look out for me, Miss Granger, but really! You and I almost have the same Timetables!"

Hermione's brows furrowed a bit more, her face scrunching up. She thought Harry didn't see her waving her wand to reproduce his Timetable! He had two subjects which he took doubles at: Potions (of course! Why wouldn't he? He almost blabbered on about those stupid chemicals! Pssh. So much like his dad) and Defence Against the Dark Arts. Hermione thinks that Harry was aiming to be too much like his father.

Harry chuckled at Hermione's face and gently gave her a playful cheek squeeze, making Hermione frown even more. She's really cute when she acts all childish.

"Oh, come on, 'Mione. I appreciate it, really! I love you for it, you silly girl! But promise, I won't do anything stupid! How can I when you keep tabs on me more than Papa does? And, he's a professor! That's saying something!"

Hermione rolled her eyes, making Harry laugh more, "Come on. None of that, Miss Granger. Let's head to the pitch! I think they're--"

"There you are!" Draco's silver hair bobbed up. His face was flushed from running to fetch Harry and Hermione. They were about to climb up the stands to take good spots near the Professors and the Announcer of the game,who happened to be a Third Year- Lee Jordan, Gryffindor- when they noticed that 'the lovebirds' were missing. Draco rolled his eyes as Patrianne Blinton smirked like mad. Oh, girls and their undying fervor for romance! It was disgusting! He and the Blinton girl were the only ones who noticed that Granger and Snape were left behind at some point though. Really now! Those two slack-offs.

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