Chapter 22: Almost Christmas

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Snow falling everywhere, the lights overhead were something akin to fairy lights, and the pretty cobblestone of Diagon Alley were now filled with footprints belonging to the people who were passing by. There were even Christmas trees, with twinkling lights and tinsels and all the good things hanging on their branches. Shops were of no exception. Multicolored displays of different Christmas presents and colors greet the costumers. The people wore smile on their faces, and there was no sadness to be seen. It was magical in itself, the hum of the cold breeze as it gently passes by and bringing coldness when it does. Everywhere and everyone were gay, happy and it certainly felt more like Christmas was just one reach away.

Bran stared in awe at the beauty of Diagon Alley. He knew just how wondrous it was during the beginning of the schoolyear, when he bought his school supplies, but now...

At the thought of that particular Trip, Brandon couldn't help but feel sad and anguished. He missed his family terribly. It felt so much like yesterday when Dudely was chasing him and his Mum and Dad hugging him. He wanted desperately to go back to those times. Lost in thoughts, Bran did not realize that he stopped and was crying silently in the middle of Diagon Alley, head hung low.

Snape was quick and about as he stalked to the first shop he decided for him and his ward. The shop was owned by an old man, a former colleague. He had taken the liberty to ask the young boy in his care what he wants to get his friends for the Yule. Severus would say that it was for formalities; after all, Harry Potter is still a boy. Boys need to go to shops and shop for the Yule, anyway. But the other side of the Professor knew that he just wanted his young charge to feel happiness. It was, after all, their first Christmas together, and Snape wanted to it to be a good memory for the both of them, although he is not sure why.

Just then, as he was about to enter the shop, he noticed that young Potter was gone. His heartbeat escalated at the thought of the young boy lost in the crowd. With equally frantic strides, Snape went back and retraced the places they have been.

Oh, how Snape wanted to smack the young boy on the head. Had he forgotten who he was with? Did he not know how much Snape worried about him? Clearly, he doesn't!

That boy! When I find him...

And Snape did found him, near the shop with the most Christmas decorations Snape had seen. The boy was standing there, his small shoulders shaking every now and then. An ache penetrated Snape's heart and he did not hesitate to move towards his young charge.

"Come now, none of that," the Professor's voice stopped the tracks of memories that threatened to make him feel what he was missing. But Bran didn't move. He did not look up to see the look of sympathy on his guardian's eyes, a look so rare on the rather stoic man.

Seeing that his ward was still in stupor, the Professor crouched down and gently wiped Bran's tears and held the young boy's hand.

"We are here to revel on Diagon Alley and Christmas, child. Do not let sadness ruin the Holidays for you," Snape said quietly, just enough for Bran to hear what he was saying.

Snape sighed and added quietly, "I know you miss them, but life must go on. Do not let it hamper your growth as a person. It is good to dwell in the past from time to time, but remember; it is long past and gone. You cannot get it back, Mister Potter."

Green eyes looked up at the words, and Snape allowed himself to grace his young charge with a small smile, "There. That's the Potter I know. Remember, child. Remember; you might not get it back, but it will always be with you. Now come! Let us head on."

Snape took Bran's right hand on his, as if saying that he'll be there. Bran reveled in the comfort, "But you'll stay, won't you, Professor? At least, until you think I'm ready to face it on my own."

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