Chapter 3

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My heart won't stop thudding in my chest as I get out of the car.

Why did I have to say I'd come? And why did I choose this awful bright silver sequin crop top with a short black leather skirt? Don't forget that I chose huge high heels as well! My feet are already killing me and I've only just got here.

"Avery, now we're in the light, I must say, that your outfit compliments your figure so well! And your legs with those heels! I wish I had long legs like you." Eve exclaims, as we walked up to the front door. I wished I agreed.

"Thank you Eve. You look absolutely gorgeous! And noo, you don't want long lanky legs like mine, you've got such a nice petite figure." To be fair, she did look amazing; she had a dark red blouse on with black jean shorts, and let me tell you, that girl's legs are so tanned.

We get interrupted by Mason opening the door and giving us all wolf whistles. I rolled my eyes, so did most of the others, though I saw Roxanne blush and I swear Mason's eyes lingered on her outfit for the longest amount of time. Hmm, time for some matchmaking, maybe?

He let us all in, me being last, and woah.. it was like I'd entered a whole other world. Music pounded in my ears and my chest vibrated, drunk people were being sick all over the place. Ah! Now I remember why I never went to parties.

"Hello, ladies. You're all looking fine tonight." Derek greets us. We all smile at him and say hello and then go our own ways, with me going straight to the drinks.

Wow. It seems like vodka or beer are the only choices. Seriously? I thought college parties were meant to be great, this just seems boring and cheap. Unwillingly, I settle for some beer, though it's warm and has lost most of its fizz, great.

"Having fun?" I feel a deep voice mumbles in my ear, causing a shiver to run down my spine. I turn to see who the person is... and it's Finn. And boy, does he look good.

He has a dark grey v-neck on that pulls against his well defined arm and chest muscles, tight black skinny jeans, and his hair has been styled to the side again in a sort of mini mohawk fashion. Mmm, yes, please.


Did I seriously just think that?

I realise I haven't answered him yet and that I'm just ogling over his body, great, way to embarrass yourself Avery.

"I guess as much fun as you can have whilst drinking lukewarm beer, watching drunk people grind against more drunk people, with music pounding in your ears, it isn't even good music." I complain, whilst having a look of disgust on my face. He chuckles, and I decide that I like the sound.

"Well hey, why don't we go and dance with all the drunk people down there, but show them how it's done?"

"Well, I don't kn-" I don't even finish what I'm saying before he's pulling me on to the dance floor, a new upbeat song filling my ears.

Finn pulls me flush against him and we start moving together rhythmically to the beat, grinding our hips and spinning quickly to keep in time. And may I just say, I think we looked good. However, the song ended way too quickly and it seemed like we'd only been dancing for a few seconds before Finn loosens his grip on my waist and then mumbles about him having to go somewhere. So, here I am, alone in a crowd of drunk people, with music pounding in my ears to the point of it being so loud that they hurt, and the boy I liked just ran off and left me.

So tell me again, why do people like parties?

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