Chapter 8

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They really didn't know anything, did they?

"No guys, I really don't like Sam!" I exclaim.

"Yes you do! Stop lying!" Eve protests.

"Yeah, I see the looks you give him! You're head over heels for him, to be honest, who can blame you? He's gorge." Katelynn chips in.

"Yeah, so he may be slightly attractive! That doesn't mean I'm actually attracted to him."

"But you so are!! Come on, Avery, we're all friends. We won't blab." Eve bats her eyelashes at me.

"Look, I know you wish I liked the guy, but I really, don't trust me."

"Hmm, whatever.. This is not over. But for now, let's focus on.. EVE!" Vanessa shouts, pouncing on top of the poor girl, who starts to squeal beneath her.

I honestly sometimes wish I could be like them; be happy and cheerful. They don't always worry about things and just go with the flow. They're rich, popular and are pretty, I mean apart from their stupidity, they practically everything they want. Sometimes I wish my life was like that. Well, that and the fact that they aren't constantly hiding a deep secret really makes me envious too...


"Hey, Avery. Can I talk to you?" Sams asks, quietly. We're currently at a pool party at Eve's. See what I mean? They have everything.

"Yeah, sure. What is it?" I say, following him into the corridor, away from the others.

"Uhh, so um, Eve said something," he pauses, taking a deep breath. "about you liking me-" huh, so much for the girls not blabbing.

"Wait. No, Sam, she-"

"No, listen. Look, I like you. Honestly, since you've been here I've had a hell of a lot of fun. More than if you hadn't joined our group. We always joke around, and you just seem to get me, like nobody else-"

"Sam. I don-"

"But there's something I need to tell you." he looks at me, fear in his eyes. Funny, all of a sudden I don't really care if he thinks I'm in love with him, I just want to know what he's about to say.

"What? What is it?" I ask, eagerly.

There's a long pause.

"Uhh.. I'm.. I.. I'm gay."


He's gay?

Well. Not really what I expected.

"When?.. When did you first.. you know.. start playing for the other team?"

He flinches. "God, I hate it when people put it like that," Oh. Oops. "But I've always kind of known, you know? Like when the guys would talk about the 'hot' girls in our class, I never got the appeal. I mean I could appreciate them being pretty, but it was never a sort of attraction, I guess."

"Huh. I see.."

"Yeah. So.. Now you know. Sorry about me not liking you by the way." he adds, awkwardly.

"Oh, it's alright, I didn't even like you like that, but-"

"Wait, what? Are you serious? You didn't even like me like that? I thought you'd be the perfect first person to tell because I thought you like me like that."

"I'm the first person to know?" I squeal, excitedly, but then he glares at me so I quickly shut up. "Oh, yeah. Sorry. I tried to tell you, but you and your big gob kept interrupting." I say, slapping his arm. He's laughing now, the intense atmosphere already lifting.

"Thanks, Avery. I really do it appreciate it. You're the first person I've ever actually felt comfortable enough with to tell. I'm glad you moved here." he says, as he gives me a bear hug.

"I am too." I say. And I mean it.

"Well, look what we have here. Am I interrupting?" A loud voice interrupts, destroying the whole moment. God, sometimes people really don't know when to stay away.

I pull away from Sam to see an annoyed looking Finn in the doorway. His arms are crossed and he's sending death glares at Sam.

"Finn, really? Before you get angry, though I don't know why you are, this isn't what it looks like." I explain, crossing my arms to mimick his stance.

"Uhh, I'll just leave." Sam mutters, scurrying off, though I see Finn nudge him as hurries past. Then me and Finn are left alone.

"What the hell is your problem?" I start, anger spreading through my body. How dare he interrupt a huge moment for Sam?

"Why did you walk off with him alone?" he asks, whilst stepping forward, his eyes boring into mine.

"Why do you care?"

"Why were you hugging him?"

"Again, why do you care?"

"Why did you two go off together?"

"Why do you care?"

"Why did you have to come and change everything?"

I didn't respond to that. He stares at me again, but this time it's an intense stare, right into my eyes, making me feel exposed.

Then he just walks away.


I never seem to expect things, do I?

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