Chapter 13

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I'd been in bed for hours.

I couldn't face it, not today, not with what Finn had said to me. It would be too awkward, and honestly, I was being a coward.

Two loud thumps on my door knocked me out of my self pity.

"Avery, we know you're in there! Open up, we're worried about you." came Vanessa's loud voice. I groaned. Why did I have to such good friends? Didn't they know I wanted to be alone at the moment?

I opened the door and was immediately suffocated by a hug, which consisted of strong perfume, sharp necklaces - who knew they could hurt someone so much - and a bunch of airheads. Sorry about that last one..

"Omg, Avery! What happened? You look awful!" exclaimed Roxanne. Gee, thanks.

"Um, nothing. I've been really ill, that's all." I shrugged.

"Liar! You have swollen red eyes, and tear streaks down your face. That's no common cold if ever I've seen one." said Eve, looking at me closely.

"It's.. Uh. I mean, um.."

"Tell us now! We're your friends, girl. We're worried about you." Vanessa said, her eyes filled with concern. I felt my own eyes filling with tears.

"Promise to keep this between us?" I asked them, my voice cracking half way through. They all vigorously nodded back at me.

So I explained the whole hog to them. From when I saw Finn watching me, to him kissing me, to him then saying I was worthless to him.

"What a dick!" Katelynn said, clenching her fists.

"I can't believe Finn would say that! I'm going to have to talk to him!" Roxanne said, but everyone objected.

"Roxanne, Avery literally just told us to keep it to ourselves. You can't go up to Finn straight away now." said Vanessa, irritated.

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry." Roxanne mumbled, clearly upset.

"Hey, don't worry Roxanne. How about some day this week we go to the spa and get a facial, sound good?" I said chirpily, though secretly rolled my eyes at Vanessa who gave me a sympathetic look.

"Okay! Which one? Ooh! I'll go look now! Can I have your wifi password?" she said, whilst walking into the hall way, searching for it.

"I have an idea, why don't we go down to The Rouge? I heard Finn and all that lot are going. So not only can you show Finn what he's missing, but you could maybe have a little flirt here and there. Take your mind off it all for a while?" Eve suggested.

"Ooh yes! That sounds good!" said Katelynn, her eyes bright.

"I'm doing your makeup!" Vanessa chirped in.

"Guys, that's great in all, but how is going to a club, where Finn is going to be, going to take my mind off it?"

"Okay, maybe it won't, but you'll feel better for facing it and it'll show Finn that he hasn't got to you. Come on, Avery! It'll be fun!" Eve persuaded.

"Oh, what the heck? Let me have a shower." I grumbled, getting up and earning a few excited squeals.


They really went all out.

My eyes were smoked out with a dark rich chocolate colour, my eyes surrounded by huge lashes, and my lips were a cute, glossy nude shade that complimented my eye look. And I was wearing a dark dress, that was an off the shoulder kind and hugged my curves. Even I had to admit, I at least looked decent.

All the girls were finishing off their makeup now, as poor Roxanne was forced to drive around and get them each their essentials and clothes. She came back very stressed and annoyed, also deciding to help herself to my cereal. You're welcome, Roxanne.

Half an hour later, they had all transformed themselves from an average clothes model, to Victoria Secret ones. Seriously, how had any of these girls not been offered a job in that industry? Just by standing with them I felt even more like a potato than usual. Like a bruised discoloured one at the bottom of the bag, that's been dropped a-

Not the point.

We arrived at The Rouge 20 minutes later, all girls bubbly, while I was dreading it. Though before we went in Eve gave me hand a little squeeze and didn't let go, giving me her moral support. I was starting to think maybe these girls weren't as bad as I thought.

Once we stepped in, the music - of course - was turned up to a ridiculously high volume. Already people were on the floor, drunk, some were grinding against each other, half of them probably not even aware they were doing it.

"Ooh, I see Finn and the boys!" said Roxanne. My stomach flipped. Eve's hand tightened once again on mine as we made our way over.

The boys were there, Mason - surprisingly - with no girl attached to him, though his eyes brightened up when they saw Roxanne, Derek was talking about video games to a girl, who clearly had no interest in it and wanted to skip that and get straight to the kissing, and Sam was sat talking to a cute guy with curly hair. And that left Finn.

He was sitting with, not one, not two, but three girls, one on his lap and two beside him. Manwhore. He looked up to see us enter, a smile on his face as he greeted the girls, though when he saw me it quickly disappeared and he looked away, suddenly gripping the girl's, who was on his lap, face and kissing her aggressively - much to her delight, as she let off a happy squeal.

Well, this was going to be one long night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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