Entry 4: 06/12/16

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Dear Diary,

Stupid freaking signs.

What am I talking about? Well, I'll explain.

I didn't have my phone on me all night. No big deal, right?


When I woke up, I had a good 10 messages on Kik from throughout the night, who knows how many messages on my other social media from midnight, and three text on my phone from early morning.

Who from?

You guessed it, Diary. Mr. Stalker.

What did he want? I didn't know when I woke up, but I texted him to find out. He sounded worried in his texts, so I knew it wasn't anything good.

I just didn't know it was this bad.

Apperantly, in the time I was gone, his parents left him on his own and wouldn't let him eat at all and on that exact same night there was a shootout on his street corner.

The whole incident just made him worried that I got hurt so that's why he spammed my whole messaging network.

And to think, I was just going to tell him I couldn't talk to him anymore. Well don't I feel like a jerk now...

I'm not on t believe in signs, but even I can't ignore this strong coincidence. Something bad happened when I decided to leave him. I guess I'm not supposed to leave him... I don't know what I'll do about it, but I guess I'm stuck for now.

Well, it's still morning. I have the whole day for something else to happen. I'll tell you what else happens today later Diary.

TTFN. Ta ta for now.


Mr. Stalker is gone from my life. Hallelujah.

What happened between this morning's resolution to take the sign and stay with him up to now? Well, Diary, I'll tell you what happened.

He roleplayed that he groped my butt, then he kept pressuring me to roleplay doing the naughty with him. It was one thing him trying to date me, it was another when he tried to sleep with me.

It took a while, but I was able to find a plan that would work.

I went on the social media site where we first met and I made a new account called 1TruthFinder. I messaged him saying I was a guy named Hale (pronounced like Hail), and that I had information on real me. It was mostly lies on the lines that I was using Mr. Stalker and whatnot. At first he didn't believe "Hale", but after a while I made myself looks suspicious and he sided with Hale. Mr. Stalker was going to leave me, so I pull the "my parents don't want me to see you" trick and he was okay with it. As Hale, I checked on him to make sure he was fine, and I saw that he wasn't heartbroken. "Hale" told Mr. Stalker he would be fine and that he had to go, so those two won't talk anymore, either. Mr. Stalker is gone from my life, he deleted my number, and I feel no guilt because he wasn't hurt by me. Everyone wins and he can have a chance to be happy because as I said, he was a nice guy.


Okay, what the actual eff? I put all this work into getting rid of an obsessed stalker and then I get another. Worse part: this guy had convinced me he only saw me as a little sister.

Okay, I'll explain better. I had a guy friend who treated me like a sister and that. We don't talk very often because it seems everytime we talk he's in some tips of romantic drama. Well, he started texting me today with a new problem with his girlfriend. After I helped him with that problem we got to talking. He asked how was my girlfriend and I admitted that her and I broke up. That's when he decides to tell me he is in love with me and wants to date me.

Talk about 0 to 100 real fast.

Like, I just finished taking to you about problems with your girlfriend, you just broke up with her, I just told you my girlfriend broke up with me, and within that five minutes you decide we should date. I pointed that out to him and deleted his number. I just got rid of one guy who tried hitting on me, I don't need to add the stress of another.

There's one thing I don't understand, though.

In real life no one gives me a second glance. If they do, it's to remind me that I'm a fat, ugly, bitch. Yet, online I have people falling in love with me left and right. Hope does that work? I don't know and I probably never will.

Anyways, that's all the major stuff. I'm tired now, so goodnight Diary.


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