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Name: Nolan Dominic Thompson
Location: Fulton County Courthouse

"Now I do it for my homies
That'll never get to do it
And I do it for the mamas
Trying to make it on their own
Yeah I do it for the thugs
On the yard locked up" August Alsina X Don't forget about me

Today was my trial date and to be honest. I was nervous as a motherfucka'. I was certain that the judge would give me the maximum prison time just because. I could not be able to see my babies grow up. That shit is not cool.

I paced the floor rubbing my hands together as I was called into the courtroom and my stomach twisted in knots. I wasn't a bitch going to prison wasn't what I was scared of. I knew the deal when I got into the game it ended two ways jail or murder. And if you were lucky you got to get the third option which was to get old and retire on drug money. That's what must niggas assumed what would happen to them when they entered the game.

"Alright so you have 200 counts of murder on your record. 3 charges of unlicensed gun possible and 2 charges of illegal weed." the judge read out.

It was an old fat while nigga. He looked like all he did was lock up black person for a long time just for the fun of it.

"We have a witness here who is the mother of Marina and Monique."

I rolled my eyes seeing their mother walk up to the witness stand.

"Could you repeat your story to the jury stand please." My lawyer said.

"On May 21 I was sent a DVD of my daughter Monique getting murdered by Mr. Thompson and several other men. Mr.Thompson beat her face in with a bat and dissected her body into small pieces before feeding it to a tiger." she explained crying crazy. I chuckled lowly  remembering how fun it was to do that to her.

"Do you have evidence of this tape." my lawyer questioned not being phased by her tears.

She nodded and a police officer placed a tape into the VCR. I sat up a little in my seat smirking. I watch as the tape started to play something I made Monique do before I killed her when she was first kidnapped.

"H-hey mom I hope your watching this. It's probably way after my death which is what I wanted to happen. I know you want an explanation for what happened to me suddenly and I'll tell you now before I kill myself.

Okay I couldn't live with myself anymore. After deceiving the love of my life the one I knew I wanted to be with forever Nolan, having sex with more than 30 men and leaving my babies alone on a porch I knew it wasn't worth it and I totally failed and burned my bridges. My children will now always remember me as the mother who left them on the porch alone in the rain.

I realized all of it was wrong and I can't live with myself and start over knowing the mistakes I've made and the pain I've cause on the one I love.

Bye mommy, bye Monica, Bye Janaé and Jehlani I love you guys."

The ending showed her popping a few pills in her mouth with tears in her eyes. She picked a gun up and shot herself in the chest twice before the screen went blank. It was staged she had a bullet proof vest on so that o could be able to kill her the way I wanted.

"This video showed a whole different style of death than the one that you told the cops so I am lead to believe you made up the whole story and lied to the cops. In order to incriminate my client Mr.Thompson."

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