Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Kalebs POV 

I was having a baby boy. 

It didn't completely set in that I was having a son until I went home and took a second glance of the ultra-sound.

I just knew that I was going to be making so many mistakes with him. He was going to be a trouble maker just like me, and a heart breaker.

I needed to promise myself that I would do the best I can, and never walk out on him. I couldn't help but wonder if he would want me and his mother together? I couldn't lie, after the night me and Maci shared in my bedroom, she seemed to be on my mind more than usual.

She was so gentle, and kind..God, Kaleb, turning into a pussy? I thought. Ugh. I knew I was a confusing person, but I just never met anyone like Maci before in my life. She was so full of life, down to earth, and damn right beautiful. Although, I wanted to beat myself black and blue because of the secret I have kept from her and everyone else. The only person that knew was my bro Josh.


"Dude, Jane is pregnant." I said to josh as he stopped working on his truck.

"Bro, the fuck is wrong with you? Do you got let me impregnate you, written on your forehead to every girl you look at?" He said coldly.

"It was an accident! How am I suppose to do this? Two girls dude. I'm even worse than my father, at least he only had one to take care of."

"Don't fucking say that shit! You are not your dad! We been bro's for a long time Kaleb, and I know how you feel about Maci, maybe if you tell her then she won't be so mad." He said.

"Na, she is going to be pissed. Neither of them know anything. I feel like such a piece of shit, all I do is fuck up." I yelled and punched the wall beside my house.

"Look bro, just tell them. You can't keep it a secret for long, plus your mom don't even know bro. This is bad." He said nudging my shoulder.

"Thanks bro." I said and gave him a bro hug.

End of flashback*


*School flashback*

"What do you want to talk about? My appointment isn't for another week." She said and my heart sank. This was just to much for me to handle.

"You know Maci Bennet right?" I asked.

"Yeah, the pregnant girl? That's like the only thing we have in common is we are both pregnant." She laughed. "What about her?" She asked.

"Well she's having a boy, and-"

"Oh Kaleb, I've been wanting a boy too! Is that what you wanted to talk about?" She asked and I looked at her dumbfounded.

"No, let me speak." I said sternly and she nodded. "Her baby, is my baby. I'm her babys father."

"That nerd? There's no way! Two baby's Kaleb? Are you crazy? Your just going to have to choose now if you want to be with me. I'm not going to be out second because of your mistake."

"My son is not a mistake, and I slept with Maci when we wasn't talking, she's farther along than you, and she's not a nerd!" I yelled. "I'm not choosing between anyone, so your just going to have to deal with it like I am." I said.

"How can you be so selfish? Now our baby is going to be put second!" She cried. "Your going to miss my doctor appointments because of her!"

"I'm not missing anyones doctors appointments! You need to chill, your making this harder on me then it needs to be!" I yelled.

"How about how it is on me? I'm having your baby too Kaleb, I don't like this.." She said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen but it happened, and we all have to deal with it the best we can."

"Do you love her?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I do, but I love you too okay?"

"No, you may love me but your not In love with me like I am you. Your in love with her." She spat.

"So, what if I am? Just because your having my baby too doesn't mean I have to be in love with you!"

"Get away from me!" She spat after Maci had full sped walked by us. I hated that she had to see this, but thankfully didn't know what was going on.

*End of School flashback*


Kaleb, can you pick me up?

Maci texted and of course I replied that I would pick her up. I thought anytime was better to tell her the news. I didn't know how she would take it and I was petrified I would loose her, even though she wasn't mine.

After seeing her glowing smile, my heart sank. How can someone be so adorable? And forgiving. I hoped, she would forgive me atleast.

"How was your day?" She asked with a gleam in her eyes.

"I need to tell you something.." I blurred out and her facial expression went blank.

"Jane Hastings, is pregnant.."

"And let me guess, your the father?" She scolded.

"Not for sure yet, till she has the baby and we get a dna test. Maci I know I'm such a fuck up, but I swear I'm not 100 percent sure yet." I quickly said.

"So in school you could tell her I was pregnant but you couldn't tell me until weeks later? She isn't even pretty, or smart, or anything. She is just easy!"

"Maci, you don't need to be jealous okay, I feel nothing for her." I said.

"Yeah, right. And jealous? Ha! Jealous of what? She was trying to have sex with my brother weeks ago, she's nasty! She's a slut!" She yelled.

"I know she is, I just don't want you mad okay? Please, don't be mad."

"I'm not mad, I'm hurt, there's a big difference between the two. I just don't like this." She said.

"I know Maci, I'm so sorry, I promise I'm going to still be there. I wanted to tell you for so long, but so much has gone on, and my life never takes a break from giving me hell."

"It's okay." she whispered and I pulled her into a hug completely confused on how our argument already landed into the kitchen when we was just in the car.

"Can I get you anything before I head out?" I asked. Hoping she would ask where. Knowing I was having two babys, I had to get money some how, and Mr.Corino was my only option.

"You owe me a stuff crust pizza."

"Oh, yeah, I completely forgot. I'll order that now. Go get some rest and I'll leave the money on the counter, you can pay for it when it comes right?"

"Yes Kaleb, I'm pregnant not disabled. Go." She pushed me towards the door with a smile on her face. I kissed her cheek and watched it turn bright pink and I chuckled at her facial expression. Not that I'm turning into a bitch, but she was just too cute. I couldn't deny, how much I needed Maci Bennet to keep me sane.

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