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Justin's POV

An hour later I had finally finished mopping the floor. I collapsed on the now spotless floor then proceeded to die for a while and pretended I was a peaceful rock. Cole was making us dinner and my stomach grumbled at the smell of food. After a while of doing nothing I decided to  poke my head inside the kitchen and found Cole making homemade pizza. My mouth immediately watered after the pizzas were finally out of the oven. I growled before running to Summer, who was sprinting towards the food and pushed her out of my way.

"Mine!" I grabbed five pieces of pizza and put it on my plate hurriedly. This was how I survived in this house, if you want food you gotta run for it.

"Not fair I only have three!" Summer whined and I rolled my eyes. Always such a whiner. "Give me one of yours!"

"Hell no!" I snorted and took one bite of my pizza. I then started devouring the food down and Summer was crossing her arms next to me. "You're a girl Summer, you not suppose to eat like me."

"Are you saying I'm fat?" I widened my eyes when she glared at me. Damn it, I didn't mean it like that.

"Calm down kids, there are still some left." Cole chuckled and brought out a few more slides of pizza.

"Oh my god I want more!" Lia grabbed herself a slide and gobbled it down before speaking.

"That's what she said!" Jade snorted and wiggled his eyebrows. I reached over to where he was standing and gave him a slap in the back of his head. "Ouch! what was that for?"

"Yah know the rule in this house. No sexual comment toward my sister." I raised my eyebrows and Lia rolled her eyes.

"But you didn't have any problem when Cole was fucking Lia last year." Jade smirked and Cole choked on his drink.

"You had sex with my sister?" I dropped my jaw as I looked over at him. He said nothing and avoided my eyes.

"Calm your tits Justin, it just sex." Summer rolled her eyes and I looked back at her in disbelieve. She then started laughing and shook her head. "I can't believe you didn't notice the sexual tension around those two when they were still together."

"Okay you can stop now, thank you very much!" Lia raised her hands up and Summer chuckled at her. She then looked over at me with raised eyebrows. "Cole and I dated for six months, do you actually think we didn't have sex?"

"Well yeah, and you shouldn't be! Uncle Flynn said you are not allow to have sex until you're thirty!" I raised my voice at Lia and it pissed me more when she once again rolled her eyes.

"Stop being such a hypocrite! If you are sleeping with girls, I'm allow too." Lia shrugged her shoulders and the rest my friends nodded their heads.

"But why didn't you two tell me?" I cried out frustratedly and Cole sighed.

"We didn't tell you because I thought it was obvious enough." I frowned when he gave me an incredulous look. "And we're over now, let's stop talking about this."

I grunted and nodded my head. With that, the disturbed topic was dropped and we all went up to my room. Summer and Lia shared a bean bag that was placed at the corner. The rest of us were sitting crossed leg on the floor. I laughed at the way we sat, we were sitting in a circle like how we sat in pre-school when the teacher would told us a story.

"So we are all gathered here today to talk about something very important..." I raised my can of coke and put a hand over my heart dramatically. "At this moment we are here for our mate Jade..."

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