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So its the first week of my first summer break in high school. I am no longer a freshman at South High but i am now a sophomore!

This coming school year will be very different i do know that. I have my new friends that I've made this year i have my visits to Tech High and then after those hopefully i will get my acceptance letter.

I have dropped out of my orchestra class for this year, I'll be taking french, but I'll also be taking the PARCC and one more HSA for my gov. Class. Which i am sooo not looking forward to -_- . haha. Yay me!

This year has been very different and very difficult. But it has also been the best year that I've had. I learned which of my friends were true friends. Who wanted to stay in my life and who wanted to leave.

But i got new great friends who care about me and love me and who would do anything to make sure I'm happy, safe. Let me tell you that is one of the best feelings in the world.

To be able to know you have people outside of your family that love you and wanna spend time with you. So yea this has been one of the best years of my life.

But even though i lost some friends I've gained some also.

I think that the worst part of this school year was probably having my best friend move away. I mean i can still see her and text her but that had to be one of the hardest things on me.

I mean i love this girl with all my heart, she us part of my crazy family, blood related and not, so you can imagine I'd be upset when she left. Even if i knew she was going ti be moving i didn't think it would be so soon.

But yea that was the worst part of the year for me. And i can't even begin to even try and figure out the best part because there have been so many great moment's. Some that i still can't even make sense of how amazing they were...or how stupid it was hahaha. But I'm happy right now. I really and am truly happy with the way things turned out.

I'm happy about how this year turned out because now i have my new friends to enjoy at least another year with.

I mean this year i have started this journal in the hopes of meeting new people and i have so so many story ideas that i hope people will like.

Hopefully i find the motivation to write them all. And i hope you all like my stories i will write in the future.


Like this part if you want to.




Love you all! Bye-bye 👋

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