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So i wanna say happy 4th of July everybody, even though it's technically the 5th now at 3:48am. I hope everyone had a great and wonderful holiday and everyone was safe.

But unfortunately the day didn't go as i planed it to.

This year was the first year i have missed watching the fireworks and i didn't really do anything. Before dinner was finished i had a small "break down" i guess you could call it, and it was over the smallest and stupidest thing.

All because of missing the fireworks and then i made a cake earlier (if any of you know me you would know i love to bake and cook) and was letting it cool so i could ice it but a little before i even got the chance to check it and get in the kitchen my sister tells me she did it, and she knows how much i love doing that.

So missing fireworks and not icing the cake i made had me going up and shutting myself in my room for a few minutes before anyone knew. It may seem like a stupid thing to cry over but i did and i don't really know why.

And their also was something else that happened. At the store i saw that guy i had a crush on and i ended up texting him. But i got to find out why he avoided me since he found that out and just got to talk to him but that was the weirdest thing that happened.

I guess that was the worst thing to happen today but i also think that the best part of the day was when i told my best friend why i shut myself in my room i got to text her for a few minutes. That was kinda the best thing that's happened in awhile for me. I mean i haven't seen her in what seems like forever and i miss her like crazy but even a few short minutes even texting her is one of the best things in the world to me right now.

So fourth of July didn't go like i thought it would. But that's kinda part of the whole holiday/summer break deal. You miss your friends, wish you could see them and talk to them even for a few short minutes, and things you plan out don't go as you planned them out to be. Just like meeting up with friends that you miss or going on trips, seeing family maybe, or buying thing's you planned to buy.

That does kinda suck. Because if you have nothing going on for a break or holiday and you don't see your friends that you miss sitting around the house doing nothing is not great at all. To me right now that is the worst thing i can be doing. I would much rather be in school and being able to see my best friends than sitting alone all day not doing anything and not spending time with the people i love and miss. Also sitting at home not seeing my friends or talking to them, or seeing and hearing how happy they are with the people they are dating just lets me think things about myself that aren't good for me and get me in a bad mood, like tonight.

For the first time i hate summer break right now because i have amazing people that I've met and love this year, and i can't imagine not having them in my life now and i don't wanna think about it either because even thinking of those type's of things is the worst thing in the world.i love them all and can't imagine my life without them now that i have them in it, and if any of my friends are reading this then your stuck with me for the rest of your life hahaha you can't get rid of me as easily as you think guys, but seriously i love you, all of you.

Like this part if you want to.




Love you all! Bye-bye 👋


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