16. Jealous Wendy

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"Master, are you sure the mates will be okay?" mirajane asks. Makorav shrugged. "I dont know"


"So dont you like, have to officially ask or something?" chelia said to wendy. She nodded. "Yes, wendy, will you be my mate?" "duh" wendy chuckled at her answer. She layed her head chelia's shoulder. "Thank you"

Wendy's pov

As we were sitting here, on a empty feild..... It hit me. Chelia is mine, and only mine. If anyone gets to close..... She looks at me, and smiles, i smile back...... They'll die. No exceptions.

She stands up. "Alright wendy, i'm going to do do a bit of shopping, see ya later" she leaves. I just sit there, wondering what to do. Might as well go back to the room, i have nothing esle better to do.

When i arrive i see natsu talking with grey. I listen closer.

"I dont like her!" grey hissed. "Stay away from lucy jackass! She's off limits!" nastu marched away angrily. I go up to gray, who sat down on a nearby chair.

He sighed. "Damn natsu, all i said was that your lucky to have her" he scoffs. I chuckle. "Natsu-chan can be a riot huh?" he chuckled back and nodded. "So how's it going with you and chelia?" he asks. I smile. "We're mates!....wait arent you homophobic?" i ask. "N-no! Sorry wendy i did not mean to make you feel that way" he says with a smile. I smile back. "Oh, okay!" "congratulations" he says. I thank him and walk off.

I look over and see chelia. I began to walk over to her. She's talking with someone. A male. Named...i dont know, but i dont like him. He's lucky i dont end him right now. I run over there.

I shoot him a death glare. "Hello" i say with a smile. He gulps. "H-hi...." "this is the girl i was telling you about! I told you i'm gay" chelia chcukled. "Yeah...my bad. But if you ever turn straight i'm avalible" he said with a smirk. How dare he say something like that. I growl. "Wendy?" i hiss and scratch him across his face. Chelia gasped. What the heck did i just do.

"I-im sorry!" i yell. "No i'm sorry!!" He yells and runs off. I look over and see chelia death glaring me. I hug her, hoping she'll forgive me. She chuckles.

"Jelous much?"

"jealous much"

"Whats up with you and talking to boys?" i ask looking at her. " they come to me, i simply flawless" she says with a smirk. I kiss her on the cheek. "I know"

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