Chapter Two - Lost and Found Out

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Chapter Two - Lost and Found Out

I sat down in my chair and twirled around on it a bit, before I noticed something on the floor near where Jonathan had been sitting when I stitched him up.

Standing up, I walked over to it, kneeling down to grab the small folded piece of paper.

As I climbed to my feet, I hesitated for a moment before unfolding it and looking at the writing that was undoubtedly Jonathan's. It seemed to be a shopping list of ingredients for something, but I didn't know what exactly. The only thing that I truly understood was the title.

Fear Toxin

I stared at the writing and frowned, before refolding the paper and turning on my heel, exiting my office and heading down the corridor to where Jonathan's office was.

It didn't take long until I was standing in front of the office that read 'Dr. J. Crane'. Raising my hand to the door, I knocked a few times and no one answered, causing me to frown.

My hand rested on the door knob, and I twisted it, entering the office, thinking I could just leave the paper in his office.

I walked over to his desk, and immediately a test tube filled with a glowing yellow liquid caught my eye. I frowned and picked it up with the hand that wasn't clutching the small piece of white paper.

I raised the tube up to my eye level and examined it, mesmerized by the glowing liquid.


The sudden sound of Jonathan's voice made me jump, startled, and the test tube slipped though my lithe fingers, shattering on the floor. The liquid spilled across the floor and yellow fumes started to rise up into the air.

"Oh my God, Jonathan, I- I'm so sorry, it was an accident, I didn't mean to-"

Jonathan cut me off, my placing his hand against my mouth, and I could see him glaring down at me. The office door was closed and I could tell that it was locked.

I started to panic slightly, my breathing hitched and I looking up at Jonathan in fear. He raised a finger to his lips and shushed me, before removing his hand from my mouth. I took a deep breath, coughing as I inhaled some of the fumes, but that was it.

Jonathan watched me carefully for a moment, before his eyes filled with confusion.

"It doesn't affect you?" He observed, his voice barely above a whisper. I looked at him in confusion, shaking slightly as I looked at the smashed glass.

"What doesn't affect me? What was in that test tube? What are you doing-" Jonathan cut off my confused rambling by covering my mouth with his hand again.

He scowled down at me, and waited for a moment before he was sure I wouldn't talk, and then he lowered his hand from my mouth.

"The toxin, that was what was in the test tube. You should be on the ground in fear right now." Jonathan stated casually, while his piercing blue eyes studied me thoroughly, and I couldn't help but look away as my cheeks started flushing again.

"Well then... why am I not?" I questioned tentatively, and Jonathan crossed his arms, looking slightly angry, though I had mixed theories why.

"I don't know, it should have worked. I know for a fact that that was a correct formula, it must be something to do with you." He snapped, causing my eyes to widen before I frowned up at him.

Jonathan seemed a little hostile for my liking, this was a side of him I hadn't seen before and I wasn't entirely sure if I liked it.

"What could I have to do with it? I don't even know what was in the damn test tube-!" Jonathan, once again, cut me off by covering my mouth with his hand.

I glared at him, while he watched me, annoyance in his features.

"Not so loud, Jessica, please. The last thing I need is for the others to find out about this. You weren't even supposed to know." He told me, and I felt a shiver slip down my spine uncontrollably at the dangerous tone in his voice. It excited me.

"Are you going to... to do me in? To make sure I don't t-talk?" I whimpered, and shock crossed Jonathan's face instantly.

"No! No, of course not. I'm not going to kill you, Jessica... why would you think I would?" Jonathan frowned, and I trembled slightly, shrugging my shoulders in an attempt to regain my composure.

"Because I know about your 'fear toxin' and it doesn't affect me?" I suggested, looking at the floor rather than meet the eyes of Jonathan. He chuckled lowly, a sound that made me shiver with pleasure.

"But you won't talk, will you?" He teased, his voice low, and there was something in his voice, something I hadn't heard before.

"How do you know I won't...?"

My words trailed off as I tilted my head back up to face him, only to find his face inches away from mine. I felt my cheeks heat up, as my lips began to tingle at the sight of his so close to mine.

Jonathan smiled at me, his gorgeous blue eyes sparkling with excitement as he let out a low, husky chuckle.

"That's what I thought." He spoke with a smirk, pulling back and straightening up. He turned, and involuntarily I felt a whimper escape my lips. He had teased me, using my weakness to get the answer he wanted.

Upon hearing the sound I made, Jonathan stopped moving and hesitated.

I let out a yelp as he whirled around, grabbing me by the wrists and forcing them above my head as he pinned me against the wall. My breathing was erratic and my heart pounded in my chest as Crane smirked down at me, before his lips collided with mine roughly.

Don't get me wrong, I kissed him back... of course I did. Who wouldn't? Jonathan Crane was an amazing kisser... though I had a feeling not many women knew that.

The kiss was rough, but after a few minutes it became rather gentle, and Jonathan released his grip on my wrists so that I could wrap my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers through his dark brown curls.

Jonathan pulled away, only to start kissing the nape of my neck, before he started planting kisses further down.

I let out a gasp as I felt his teeth gently bite my neck, and my hands tightened on his shoulders as I pulled his back up to my level. I felt his body press up against mine, and flushed as I realized Jonathan was just as aroused by this as I was.

I grinned seductively as I allowed my hands to travel down, feeling his body shudder under my touch. He grabbed my waist roughly, sure to leave a few bruises as he forced me against the wall again.

His mouth was on mine again, and it seemed as though we were fighting for control... he was winning, though I was letting him.

After a few intoxicating moments, Jonathan pulled away, leaving us both panting as we tried to regain out breath. My hands were still tight on Jonathan's shoulders, as I looked up at him.

"Now can I have answers?"

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