Chapter Three - Meek Little Jessica

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Chapter Three - Meek Little Jessica

"I'm afraid not."

I looked up at him, shocked. Why wouldn't he tell me? I had a right to know what I had just been exposed to, and what Jonathan was hiding from me!

"Why not?! I have rights, Jonathan, whatever was in that test tube went into my system, and even though it didn't affect me, I have a right to know what it was." I demanded, pushing him away from me as he was still pinning me against the wall.

"You already know what it is, Jessica, so I don't understand why you're asking." He sighed, and I placed my hands on his hips.

"I know that its called 'fear toxin', but I have no idea what it does."

"It causes fear to whoever it is inflicted upon."

"No shit, Sherlock." I growled, and Jonathan looked over at me, smirking slightly as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Why, Jessica, I didn't think you had it in you to swear." He mocked, a faux tone of surprise in his voice which only infuriated me further.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You always seemed like a meek girl to me, I didn't think you had it in you, too weak." Jonathan smirked, enjoying that he was insulting me. I didn't like that. Not. One. Bit.

So I slapped him.

"Jessica!" Jonathan exclaimed, looking genuinely shocked. I narrowed my eyes at him before stalking past him.

"Weak, huh? Well, I'll show you. Maybe I should tell everyone about this 'fear toxin'? It would sure teach you a lesson-"

I was cut off as Jonathan slammed me into the wall again, pinning me as he glared down at me.

"Don't you dare." He seethed, and my eyes widened. I don't think I had ever seen Jonathan like this before. What happened to the man that I thought I knew, the man that I liked and admired? This certainly was not him.

"Jonathan... what happened to you?" I whimpered, and Jonathan glared down at me, and only then did I notice that his eyes had darkened slightly.

They were still the icy blue colour that I loved, but they were dark and evil.

Suddenly, the darkness vanished, and Jonathan blinked, before releasing his grip on me and stepping away. I stared at him, ashamed to say that I was afraid of the man I cared so much for.

This wasn't him.

"I'm sorry..." He spoke quietly, and before I knew what I was doing, I had closed the space between the two of us and gently placed my hand on Jonathan's cheek. He looked down at me, confused.

"Jonathan, what's happened to you? I've worked with you since last year, and in all the time I've known you, you've never done anything like this before..." I trailed off, and Jonathan looked down at me, swallowing slowly.

"Would you like to see my mask?" He inquired suddenly, and I looked up at him, confused.


"Yes, I use it in my experiments on fear." He confirmed, walking over to his briefcase and causing my hand to slip off his cheek. He opened it and pulled out something that looked like a burlap sac, similar to the head of a...

"Scarecrow." I breathed, looking over at Jonathan as all of this begun to add up. I walked over to him and took the mask from his hands.

"You're what the patients were mumbling about... you did that to them?" I deduced, looking up at him. Jonathan nodded.

"The experiments are quite fascinating, but the reason I showed you this is, well... Jessica, this mask represents a part of my mind that sometimes I cannot control."

"It just happened, didn't it? When you pushed me against the wall? Your eyes got darker... I didn't know you." I tilted my head to the side, and Jonathan sighed, nodding.

"As soon as I put the mask on, he immediately takes control of me."



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