Chapter Five - Unwanted Salvation

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Chapter Five - Unwanted Salvation
Jessica Vince

It had been two weeks since I learned about Jonathan's actions, and... about Scarecrow.

Jonathan wouldn't speak to me, every time he saw me he would look like he was mentally arguing with himself, or Scarecrow, before he would rush off without a word.

Truthfully, it was breaking my heart. I didn't know if he was doing it so that he wouldn't kill me, or was he listening to Scarecrow and just thinking of me as nothing more than an irritating woman?

Walking down the corridor, I sighed as I saw no one around. Arkham was closed, so there were no visitors, not that there were any usually, and the doctors were mostly gone too. As I struggled to hold back tears from my heart breaking, I let out a soft gasp as I was grabbed from behind.

"Quiet, little piggy, or your salvation will come faster than it needs to." I tensed as I felt the cold blade of the man's knife press against the soft skin of my throat, and I felt the tears that I had been struggling to hold back, fall freely down my face.

"Please... I've done n-nothing..." I choked, and the man, who I now realized was one Victor Zsasz, chuckled.

"True, but you should be happy that I've chosen you to receive my gift. Right after I escape of course, which shall be easy with you, little lamb, as my hostage." Zsasz chittered gleefully.

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, trying to ignore everything that was happening.

"Zsasz, let her go." My eyes flew open at the sound of that voice, it was Jonathan's voice. I saw him, standing a few feet away, his hands clenched tightly into fists at his sides. Zsasz laughed.

"You think I'd listen to you! I want out of here, and the only way to do that is to end the poor little nurse's life." Zsasz ranted, and I looked over at Jonathan, silently pleading for him to help me.

Jonathan met my eyes for a second, and I gasped. That wasn't Jonathan.

Scarecrow looked over at me, his eyes filled with hate, before he threw something towards Zsasz, which exploded and filled the corridor with toxin.

Zsasz stumbled back, blinded by the toxin, and I shrieked as I felt his knife stab into my chest.

"Jessica!" I heard a man's voice calling me, as Zsasz let me go and I crumpled to the ground. I couldn't breath, my heartbeat was slowing and the only thing I could register was the amount of fear that I was feeling right now.

I felt strong arms grab me, holding me close to something warm and solid, and as I looked up, I recognized the blue eyes that belonged to Jonathan, not Scarecrow. I whimpered as he pulled me into his arms, and rushed down the hall, pushing open the door to my office before locking it behind him.

"Jessica, stay awake." Jonathan ordered, and my head lolled to the side, as I looked at him through half closed eyelids as he set me down on the table.

I looked at him as he dug through the medical supplies in my office, before I felt the darkness falling over me. I couldn't fight it. Jonathan looked over at me, and the last thing I saw were his eyes widening as he saw me blacking out.

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