Chapter Six - Showing Gratitude

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Chapter Six - Showing Gratitude

My eyes snapped open, immediately meeting the icy blue ones that belonged to Jonathan Crane. His eyes filled with relief, and he let out a soft sigh.

"Thank God you're alright..." He muttered, taking a deep breath.

I sat up on the examining table, gasping out in pain and holding a hand to my chest. Looking down, I realized that I was still wearing my button up shirt, but my chest had bandages covering where Zsasz stabbed me. I blinked and looked over at Jonathan.

"...did you do this?" I questioned, and he blushed slightly, giving an awkward cough before adjusting his glasses and nodding.

"Jonathan... who saved me?"

He looked up at me, confused, as I pulled my black blouse over top of my bandages and did up the buttons on the front, earning a disappointed look from Jonathan as he replied.

"What do you mean...?"

"You know what I mean. Did you save me, or did Scarecrow?" I raised an eyebrow at him, and Jonathan blinked.

"I did. Well, I let Scarecrow fight Zsasz, but, I brought you back to my office and bandaged you up-"

Jonathan was cut off by my lips pressing against his. He was unresponsive for a moment before his soft lips began to move against mine. I climbed gracefully onto his lap, and smiled against his lips as he grabbed my waist.

"Thank you..." I breathed, pulling away, though only enough so that my lips were gently brushing his own. Jonathan seemed slightly dazed.

"Oh... f-for what?" He mused, before clearing his throat, seemingly getting his bearings straight and looking up at me with those crystal blue eyes.

"For saving me from Zsasz, of course... I have a feeling that you might just care for me a little more than you let on..." I breathed, touching my lips to his again. I knew I was right when I felt his shudder against my touch.

"...I shouldn't though." He mumbled breathlessly, and I smiled a bit, trailing my kisses down his neck.

"Why shouldn't you?"

"I... y-you're my c-colleague-"

"I don't think it's because of that, Jonathan... I think it's because Scarecrow told you that you couldn't." I spoke calmly, bringing my eyes up to his.

Jonathan was silent.

"I'm right, aren't I?" I inquired, and Jonathan sighed.

"Yes, you are..."

I shook my head.

"I can't believe you're letting him control your choices... you're better than that." I told him, letting a hint of disappointment seep into my voice.

Jonathan's eyes flickered as they met mine.

"You're right, I am better than that... I can make my own choices." He spoke quietly, and I opened my mouth to speak when suddenly Jonathan stood up, lifting my off his lap and forcing me down onto the table I had woken up on.

I gasped, yet it was soon cut off as Jonathan's lips pressed against mine.

Jonathan climbed on to the table, on top of me, pinning me down as he took control of the situation.

I moaned as his teeth scraped the soft skin of my neck, and his cold hands unbuttoned my shirt, pulling it off as his eyes roamed my body.

"Like what you see?" I teased breathlessly, and a smirk crossed his lips as his eyes met mine.

"Very much so..." He agreed, and I grinned, before wrapping my legs around his waist, pulling him down on top of me and causing him to moan once again, before flipping him over so I was on top, smirking down at him.

"Can't let you have all the control, now can I...?"

I don't give a fuck if Scarecrow's going to try and kill me for this... Jonathan is worth it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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