Chapter Four - A Lover and A Fighter

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Chapter Four - A Lover and A Fighter
Jonathan Crane

I stared down at Jessica as she calculated over this new information, yet she did not break eye contact with me. I knew Jessica had feelings for me, she'd be embarrassed if she knew how obvious she was.

But, then again, I am a psychiatrist and I can read people very well.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for Jessica as well, she was... intriguing. She was beautiful, and her mind was an interesting thing. She was the first people I had come across that had a natural immunity to my toxins.

How can you not care? She could hand us over to the police, you idiot! Don't get to cozy with her, or you know that I'll make you kill her, or she'll get hurt. Scarecrow growled in the back of my mind.

I'm not going to let you harm a hair on her head, Scarecrow, and if you try, you'll be in for it. I hissed back. Scarecrow laughed.

What can you do? I'm part of you, Johnny-Boy! You saw how easily I took over when she threatened to expose us, I can do it again. Scarecrow threatened, and suddenly I felt him attempt to take control of me.

I gasped and stumbled away from Jessica, who's eyes widened in shock. I had to stay away from her, or Scarecrow would make me kill her. Jessica walked quickly towards me, and my eyes widened as Scarecrow cackled in my mind.

"Jonathan? Are you alright?" Jessica asked, as I hit the wall, sliding down to the floor and holding my head in my hands.

You're weak, Jonathan. She'll only distract you from your work, you have to make the toxin's for Ducard's plan, remember? Jessica is distracting you, and she's not worth it. Women are a nuisance.

Suddenly Scarecrow backed off, leaving me in complete control of my mind. My eyes widened as I wondered what had happened, but then I realized that Jessica had her lips pressed against mine.

"How... did you do that?" I muttered weakly, looking at her in confusion.

"Do what?" She sounded equally confused.

"Scarecrow. He was trying to take control, he... but he backed off as soon as you kissed me." I told her, and she looked confused.

"Well... Scarecrow is a product of what your toxin has done to you, isn't he?" Jessica inquired, and I nodded, knowing that in a way he was even though he'd been around since before I ever made the toxin.

"Well, maybe due to my immunity, I can stop him?" She suggested, and I thought it over, frowning.

"Maybe..." I breathed, thoughtfully.

"Why did Scarecrow try to take over anyways?" She questioned, and I looked up at her. Staring into her beautiful green eyes as I tried to regulate my breathing.

"Jessica, Scarecrow wants you dead." I admitted, deciding not to hide it from her, and Jessica's green eyes widened, shock and fear filling them.

At the sight of the fear in her eyes, Scarecrow slammed at the barriers that I had placed up to prevent him from getting through.

No! I gasped mentally, as Scarecrow took full control. Jessica's eyes widened again, as she recognized the difference of my eyes when Scarecrow was in control. She was quick to climb to her feet, stumbling away from me as I stood up, though Scarecrow had control of me.

"Ah, Jessica, you've been quite the nuisance. Jonathan will be so angry at me that I've killed you, he is most fond of you. But, you've become a distraction, and while Jonathan may want you around, I do not." Scarecrow spoke, holding his hands behind his back.

Scarecrow, stop! Please! I begged. I had no care for what he did with the inmates of the asylum that we tested the toxin on, but I did not want him hurting Jessica.

He and I both knew that I cared for her more than I should.

Jonathan, I can't let this infuriating girl be a nuisance any longer! We must kill her! Stop being an idiot, you cared nothing for women before, you were perfectly content with my company.

Things are different now! We're still working for Ducard, but please let Jessica live, please, Scarecrow, I'm begging you!

No matter what you do, Jonathan. I'm going to kill her. You forget that out of the two of us, I'm the one with no sympathy.

Suddenly Scarecrow let out a choked gasp, and I was allowed to take control again. It took me a minute to realize that while I was technically arguing with myself, Jessica had taken it upon her to wrap her arms around my neck and force her lips upon mine.

She pulled away from me, to look up into my eyes.

"Is he gone?" She questioned softly, and I sighed.

"For now." I told her, smiling lightly, as Jessica did the same. She rested her head against my chest, and sighed softly.

"He's going to kill me, isn't he?" At her words, I looked up at the ceiling, trying to figure out how this could work.

"I don't know."

I could tell that the words hadn't reassured Jessica in the slightest. What woman wanted to hear a man that she obviously cared about, say that he didn't know whether or not he was going to kill her?

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