Do you hear the Sirens Calling? (Ben Bruce/Asking Alexandria Fanfic)

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Siren’s POV

Do you ever wonder what it would be like if you didn’t have any parents? No? Why would you. You may think it would be great having no one to tell you what to, how to behave. And on the one hand that’s true, it fucking awesome having barely any rules. But on the other hand that means there is also no one that cares.

I crave that sometimes….someone to care.

My name is Siren and I have been in this orphanage, wait sorry the “correct” term is care home since I was dumped here with my twin sister Silence. We are now 14. And as a result of our severely shit pasts are quite immensely fucked up. Silence is better now though, she overcame her bulimia when she found God and her boyfriend, Hunter. Me, however, well it’s a long story and nobody ever seems to have the time.

It was Saturday morning, our summer break had just started and here I was sitting contemplating life, only joking, I’m actually contemplating taking more sleeping pills since the others don’t seem to be working. I suffer from insomnia amongst other things, so its 4 a.m. No one else is up which is just great! Note the sarcasm.

I glanced over at my sister in the bed next to me, she looks so peaceful when she’s sleeping, happy even, but looks can be deceiving. Ughh!!! I can’t stand lying here much longer. So I got up, grabbed my clothes and shoes and made my way to the bathroom. I only turned on the light when the door was closed and I was sure that it wouldn’t wake Silence. I dressed quickly, crept downstairs, snatched my Ipod off the counter where I left it last night and rushed out of the door as fast as possible.

This is what I did when I couldn’t sleep, I would just walk about and listen to music, a mix of post hardcore and loads of other bands like Black Veil Brides and Asking Alexandria. Although I do love Hip Hop and rap as well. Hehehe, I’m such a strange child. Anyway I chose my playlist and started walking. When The Final Episode by AA came on I knew it was about 3 hours since I first started. I made my way back to the “care home” and sure enough people were up and about. The carers knew about my nightly habits so no one said a thing. I went up stairs and climbed into bed, finally at 7 a.m. I was finally able to sleep.

Silence’s POV

When I woke up, Siren was gone, I wasn’t worried, she often was. I knew she had insomnia, she tries to hide it, tries to keep it from me so I don’t worry, she tries to stay strong. And she succeeds…most of the time. Siren is my big sister and I trust, to do what she wants with her life but to also always be there for me like I try to be for her. But I wasn’t strong like her, I was sad and broken and I depended on her, sometimes too much.

I got up and went to the bathroom. In there I splashed water on my face and took my razor to my arm. Why didn’t our mom want us? Why would anyone want me, if she didn’t when we were just babies. I mean we couldn’t even talk then and no one wanted us, so why would they no that we are a million times more messed up. I let a tear fall from my eye and run down my cheek. No one but Siren knew my pain.

I could hear people moving downstairs, so I took a shower and got dressed making sure to clean my cuts and hide them as well. It was about 6:45 am when I went for breakfast. Siren would be back soon.

Do you hear the Sirens Calling? (Ben Bruce/Asking Alexandria Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now