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Ben’s POV

Danny and I were out at the store stocking up on some things, the boys certainly know how to eat. As Danny went of looking for some pizzas, I mindlessly pushed the cart, my thoughts were else where.

I felt guilty for Hannah’s behaviour; she had been a bit of a bitch to Siren the other night. I mean it wasn’t Siren’s fault that I we had chosen that particular restaurant, it was just chance, or fate. I couldn’t help but wonder if somehow something made me choose that place, something that pulled me towards her. It was talking crazy but I was still hung up on her and it was killing me. Having to see her with Adrien and their son. A year ago I wanted that to be us, a little part of me still wished that that could be us but I knew it was impossible. Siren didn’t want me and probably never did.

Siren’s POV

I was drained when I woke up this morning, I worked a late shift last night and had to be up early to look after Roman this morning. There was so much to do today, I had to get groceries and clean the house because Roman was such a wee mess maker. He was too adorable though, he had such a cute giggle that you couldn’t help but smile when you heard it. He reminded me so much of Ben.

When we got to the store I grabbed a cart and put Roman in the baby seat. He had been pretty calm so far so I just hoped he wouldn’t act up now. I was about to turn down an aisle when I recognised a shaggy haired brunette. Time to turn around! But just as I was about to turn, Ben looked up and saw me. It was very awkward, we were both looking at each other, neither one of us had waved or said hello yet though. So I took a chance and waved. Ben smiled back and gestured for me to come over, better reaction than I was expecting. I pushed the cart over to Ben.

“Hey” I said. “Hey” Ben’s voice was a bit rough. “So, are you here by yourself?” Ben shook his head. “No, I’m with Danny, the boys ate all the food so we are stocking up.” I nodded. This was a very slow conversation; small talk was never a strong point of mine. Ben’s saved the conversation though, “Look I’m sorry about Hannah the other night, if I had known you had worked there I would have never suggested it to her.” He was apologizing? I should be the one apologizing, after all I had sex with him then left and I still haven’t told him he has a son. “It’s fine, I mean, we avoid each other forever, might as well learn to be decent towards each other.” Ben nodded on agreement.

Ben’s POV

Go on Ben just take a chance, what’s the worst that will happen? “So,” I began, “Maybe we could, you know meet up for a coffee some time, just to you know catch up.” Siren stood there for a minute, making her decision before nodding, “Yeah why not? We can’t still be friends right?” Oh god! I just went from the Ex zone to the Friend zone. I’m doomed. I gave Siren my phone so that she could put in her new number. “Well I better get back to shopping.” She said. I nodded and said good bye. Siren was a few feet away when she turned back to me. She had a sad look in her eye, “Ben, I just want you to know that I never meant to hurt you, I just…..I’m sorry.” with that she turned away and left.

Thanks for sticking with me on this guys, I know I haven’t been updating as much but I’m not giving up on this so don’t worry. Anyway be sure to comment, vote, heart and all that good shizz.

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