Scratching and Skipping

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Siren’s POV

When I got inside Danny and Silence were bent over, looking at a menu for a Chinese place. Sam and Cam were fighting over the remote for the TV; they look like kids, which was quite funny. James was pouring himself some whiskey, classic. I went over and got a glass for myself; I took the bottle from his hands, poured some and downed it in one mouthful. James was looking at me with a WTF look on his face, “Don’t say drinking is bad for you because you’ll sound like a hypocrite.” I hate hypocrites and liars, I do some bad shit but I’ll always be honest if you ask. Now you may be thinking, in that case how come no one knows you self harm and if you’re so honest then why do you hide it? Well let me explain I am only honest if you directly ask me a question otherwise it’s a strictly need to know basis with me, and no one has ever asked me if I hurt myself. Some of my friends know, mainly because they do it to or they have seen my scars and fresh cuts.

I walked into the living room, looks like Cam had one the fight, it was on some old horror film. I heard the door open and close. My muscles tensed involuntarily, I glanced over at Ben who had just walked in. BIG mistake he had a somewhat hurt look on his face. I turned away quickly and made a silent promise to myself that I wouldn’t look over again and I didn’t.

The Chinese came but when the other sat down to eat, I stayed where I was. I was hungry but I couldn’t afford to eat I was big enough as it is. My wrist was so damn itchy from the bracelet I was wearing. I tried to subtly scratch it but the guys were looking over at me. “Are you not going to come and eat Siren?” Danny asked. I gave him a small smile and shook my head; thankfully I didn’t have to give him an explanation. My phone rang; I looked at the caller I.D. It was my friend Copper, I picked it up. One thing that I always do, that I know annoys everyone but I cant help it, is that I never talk or say hello when I pick up the phone. So if you’re on the other end all you here is silence. Copper was used to this though, “Hey Ren, so there’s this party over on the north side of town, I’ll pick you up in an hour. Is Lenny coming?”

“I’ll ask her.”

I walked over into the kitchen, where Silence and Asking were sitting/standing around the table. “Lenny, there’s an empty, northside, you coming?” Silence shook her head. “Hunter is coming over.” Aww that’s cute she and Hunter had been going out for over a year. I liked him. He had helped her a lot with her eating disorder. But if he hurts her I’ll still break his neck.

“Ok” I said and then went back to talking to Copper. “No she’s not, I’ll text you the address of m new house, bitch it’s rad!” I put down the phone and went upstairs to get dressed.

Danny’s POV

We were all sitting eating dinner except Siren. She was sitting on the sofa staring into space, she had been doing that ever since Ben came in the room. I wonder what was going on between the two; I’ll have to interrogate Ben later. I asked siren if she was coming to eat but she just shook her head. I wanted an explanation but wasn’t able to ask for one because her phone rang. Siren picked it up and listened in. it was weird how she didn’t say hello. “I’ll ask her.” Siren said then she came into the kitchen and started talking to Silence. “Lenny, there’s an empty, northside. You coming?” Silence shook her head and explained that her boyfriend was coming over. I already knew this because she had asked me if it was okay. I, of course had said yes, I was intrigued to meet this boy. From what I had heard, Hunter had had a big influence on Silence, even Siren seemed to like him.

Siren then rushed upstairs, I don’t know how I felt about her going to this party but I remember when I as her age and I wanted to party. I knew that if I said no then that wouldn’t stop her and anyway the girl’s got to have her freedom.

Ben’s POV

I had seen Siren scratching at her wrist. That’s when I noticed just how may bracelets she wore. I started thinking about this, it had said in Silence’s file that she had had an eating disorder and that she self harmed but there was nothing on Siren. Maybe I was just over thinking things. I had completely missed the conversation that was going on and was only taken out of my thoughts when I saw Siren run upstairs.

“Where’s she going in such a hurry?” I said with a little contempt. I was still a bit pissed that she had totally blown off my flirting and then run away. This girl was gonna take some work. “She’s going to a party, might wanna catch her now if you wanna talk to her about anything, she won’t be back anytime soon.” Silence answered.

I gave her a questioning look, “Why would I want to talk to her about anything?” Everyone gave me a knowing look. Crap! They know I like her, oh well, I guess its on less secret. “Don’t worry Ben, I don’t mind.” Danny said. I let out the breath I didn’t realise I had been holding, thank god Danny had said that. If he hadn’t been okay with it things could have gotten really awkward really quickly. Silence gave me an encouraging smile and we all went back to eating.

Siren’s POV

I had a quick shower and shave, I swear to god I must’ve cut myself at least 10 times. These are accidental cuts, these ones. I did my make up and threw on a really short and tight sequined dress, studded heels and grabbed a clutch.

I rushed downstairs just in time to see Copper pulling up on her moped. I called good bye and ran out the door. Or ran as much as I could in these heels. Copper threw me my helmet and I hopped on to the moped. Trying not to flash considering my dress was so short. We knocked helmets like always, to signal that we were ready, I can’t remember how we started doing that but we just always had. Copper started up the engine and we sped off to the northside.

Ben’s POV

I was standing at the window with Cam and we were watching Siren run out of the house. Her dress was so short and sexy but I was already getting images of what other guys might be doing to her and they made my blood boil. She put on a helmet, at least they’re being safe I thought, and they pulled out of the drive and drove off up the street. I have to admit seeing her like that kinda turned me on. Woah! Ben calm down, im getting dirty thoughts about a 14 year old. What’s wrong with me. Nut at the same time this wasn’t just any 14 year old this was Siren Anderson.

Cameron’s POV

We had just watched Siren leave. Now I was watching Ben, he had a pained look on his face. Poor him, he was mostly thinking about what was going to be going down at that party and maybe who’s going to be going down on Siren. He seemed to really like her, usually I might have thought that him liking a 14 year old was weird. But Siren was so mature for her age, physically and mentally. I just hope Ben realised how much of a hand full she might be.

“Come on mate, no use moping.” Ben gave me a brief smile and nodded. We wnt back the others.

Silence’s POV

I was trying not to worry, Siren always promised to come home but there was always that possibility that she wouldn’t. There was also the added factor that I really didn’t want Ben to get hurt and I knew that Siren would hurt him. The doorbell rand and I opened it so see Hunter. I jumped into his arms and gave him a quick peck on the lips. I pulled him inside an introduced him to everyone. We spent the night watching movies.

Hunter’s POV

I think the guys all liked me and I certainly liked them. They were exactly what Silence needed. Tonight, though I could tell that something was up. Silence was tense, she kept fidgeting and she was really distracted. “What’s up babe?” I asked Silence. “Nothing.” Well now that was a lie, I raised my eyebrows at her. She sighed, “Siren is out at another party, Ben likes Siren and I’m afraid she is going to hurt him and I don’t want Danny to worry about her.” I nodded, Siren always told her sister to not worry about her but I knew Silence couldn’t help it. I pulled Siren further into my arms and started stroking her hair. Tonight was gonna be a long night.

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