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Siren’s POV

“Because I love you.” Those four little words reduced me to tears. Completely innocent all on their own but put them together and you created the phrase I have wanted to hear for 14 years. I couldn’t help it, the tears were there before I had time to stop them, to act normal and okay. But I wasn’t normal and I wasn’t okay, right now I was a crying mess and Ben had his arms around me, trying to console me. But he didn’t understand why I was crying.

I was crying because I was scared. I was scared because I loved him back but I will never be able to tell him that. He deserves someone better and older. So when we went to sleep that night, I lay awake listening to his breathing. It was 2 am when I got out of bed, and packed the things I could carry and would need. Then I did what I did best, I ran from my problems.

Ben’s POV

Seeing Siren so upset last night was hard for me, especially since it had been right after I had admitted my feelings for her. She didn’t say anything back, I didn’t expect her too but when she burst into tears I had no idea what it was about so I did what I could in trying to comfort her. I just wish I could make all the bad things go away for her. I want to make her feel safe and happy and loved.

I opened my eyes and smiled at the thought of what I had told Siren last night. I turned my face to the side hoping for Siren to be awake but she wasn’t she was…gone. I got up out of bed and straight away headed downstairs. She wasn’t in the kitchen or the living room, I saw Danny and Silence sitting in the games room. “Hey, you guys, have you seen Siren?” I asked. Danny and Silence both looked at me with confused expression. Silence was the one to confirm my fears. “No, we thought she was still upstairs with you.” I shook my head. Where could she be?

Silence jumped up off the ground and headed upstairs. There was a tense silence in the room while she was gone. Silence came back downstairs in tears with a letter in her hand. “Her stuff’s gone,” Silence sobbed, “And she left this.” I took the note out of Siren’s hand and read it.

I’m sorry.

That’s all it said. Really? By this point I was fuming. How could she? Siren was being so selfish just leaving not telling us where she is going, if she is all right. HELL! For all we know she could be lying in a ditch somewhere, dead.

*2 days later*

Siren’s POV

I was crashing at Stone’s house just now. His parents were away for the whole summer so it was just us. We had put our fight behind us. I had too beg Stone not to tell Silence. It was better for her this way, a clean break is always best. I had gathered all the money I had made from my little side job with Stone and Copper, it amounted to about $4000 which was pretty impressive. I talked to Adrian and we were going to leave the state together next week. He just had to tie up some loose ends. We don’t know where we are going but that’s the beauty of drifting, we can go where ever the road takes us. My only regret would be leaving Silence, Copper and Stone behind. But it had to be this way. I had to move on from Ben, I had to make sure he moved on from me, it shouldn’t be that hard. We had only known each other for a few days, he can’t be that in love with me, if he actually is at all.

Silence’s POV

Siren had been gone for 2 days. I had managed to convince Danny not to file a missing persons report, after all she was a runaway. I couldn’t understand how Siren could do this; she said she would always be there for me. I was so confused.

Stone’s POV

Siren had run away, she was so stupid sometimes. She had told me everything that had happened and I knew without out her having to say it that she was afraid of what Ben had said. Siren would rather die than admit it but when she was with Raynor, she had loved him, she would have done anything for him. Even after she had the bruises or was sent to hospital she was convinced that Raynor loved her, that he just lost his temper easily. That it was her fault.

Now she was afraid of being hurt again, she bottled up all her feelings and just came across as an emotionless bitch to most people. Siren hid all her hurt and pain, she pushed down memories or feelings that threatened to bubble to the surface. And when Ben had found her the other day all she had been was vulnerable, Siren hated being weak but she was afraid of being vulnerable and so when Ben had told her that he actually cared, those feelings came bubbling to the surface and then overflowed.

I knew that Siren loved Ben, I knew that she was planning on leaving the state with Adrian next week. But I couldn’t and wouldn’t let her leave her family like that, because they were her family now. I picked up my phone and dialled Danny’s house, “Hello?” a deep voice answered. “It’s Stone,” I said, “I know where Siren is.”

Dun dun duuun!!!! Have you guys guessed yet, I really like cliff hangers. Anyhoo just wanted to thank everyone that’s been reading and has voted for this story.  Be sure to leave a comment. I love feedback and it encourages me to update faster. xxx

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