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Siren’s POV

It had been a little over a year since I had left with Adrian, we now lived in the city, in a pretty big apartment complex. It was clean and safe and I liked it here. I lived with Adrian and Roman. This is a long story so let me start from the beginning.

After Adrian and I left the state we immediately got new phones. I had turned mine on again to see if Ben had tried to contact me. He had. I never listen to the voicemails or read the messages. I knew it would break my heart to much. So I dumped the phone and got a new one. Adrian and I were on the road for a couple of days. We spent the first few weeks in a hotel in the city until. Adrian found a job, a good one I might add, at a record label. I started waitressing after school hours. I was only in school until I got my GED, then I dropped out. That was about 3 months after we left. By this time Adrian and I had moved into the apartment we are living in currently, we had some good friends here as well. I started to get sick around about this time too. I was throwing up and just generally not feeling myself.

Then one night I was staying in, eating Chinese with Adrian and watching movies when this sudden realisation came to me. Ben and I never used a condom. I voiced my fears to Adrian who immediately went out and bought about 7 pregnancy tests, just to make sure. After 3 tense minutes of waiting for the results to show up we had our answer, I was pregnant.

Adrian was really helpful and sweet about it, he said it was my choice about what I wanted to do. We went to the doctors about a week later to get some checks done. It turned out I was almost 4 months pregnant and so the abortion process wouldn’t be all that simple. I opted to keep it.

The next few months were chaos. We told what few friends we had, they didn’t really believe that it wasn’t Adrian but I don’t blame them. My friend Violet was the one who came to all the doctor’s appointments and sonograms with me. She was my best friend now and she would make an amazing auntie. Adrian was literally my rock. I could rely on him for anything, I still worked to pay my share but he said after the baby was born I didn’t have to because he had been promoted. I started crying one night when he offered to marry me. He said I was his best friend and he would look after his little niece/nephew and he would take care of me. I bawled my eyes out, said thank you a million and one time but refused his offer. I told him that marriage was meant for the person you are in love with and that I wanted him to be free for her when they met. Adrian understood.

I was 8 months and 2 weeks along when I went into labour. I was at Violet’s house when my water broke. She drove me to the hospital and called Adrian and our other friends. They were all there for the entire ordeal. I don’t think I could have done it without them. Labour lasted 16 hours and it was agony, but in the end it was worth it.

My little boy was born. Roman Anderson. 9 pounds and 5 ounces. I started crying and soon Adrian joined in. I loved this baby more than anything in the world. He was my whole life now.

So that’s the story.

I think having roman was good for me. I stopped smoking and doing drugs. I also got help for my depression. I was on meds now for my anxiety, depression and I had stopped me self harm almost completely some days were more of a struggle than others. But when I realised that my body wasn’t just mine anymore, that for 9 months it was Roman’s I stopped. I was going to be the best mom I could be for him. I knew what it was like to have no parents and I was hell. Adrian would be his father figure even if he got married and started his own family. He would always be there.

There were always the thoughts lingering in the back of my mind though. Thought of Ben, he deserved to know he had a son but I would never tell him. I hoped he had moved on. I hoped more than anything he was happy because for the first time in my life with Roman by my side I was.

Today was like any other day, Adrian left for work early. I got up, showered, dressed and set to work tidying the apartment and doing some work before Roman work up. I had been taking some classes at the local college when I had time. Roman woke up around 10ish and from then on the day was a whirlwind of toys, baby formula and nappy changes. I decided not to breastfeed since I was still so young. Things changed when Adrian came home though. He was unusually quiet. “Adrian,” I said as we sat down to dinner. “Just tell me what’s wrong?” When he started off his voice was quiet. “I got another promotion.” He said. My face burst into a smile, Roman sat bouncing on my knee. “Its back in our hometown.” My face fell immediately. That meant moving back. The possibility of running into Siren or Danny…..or Ben.

1 week later…

I had encouraged Adrian to take the job; it was an amazing opportunity for him. I was just going to have to face my fears. We were all packed up and ready to go. Roman was in his car seat and right now we were saying teary good byes to all our friends. I made them swear to come and visit, they promised and I did the same. We got into our car and drove off back to the place I had run from little over a year ago.

Ben’s POV

It had been over a year since Siren left. I was devastated. I was unhappy for months, wouldn’t sleep or eat. I didn’t go out or want to see anyone. Thankfully Danny and the guys managed to pull me out of that dark place. I had moved on. I was with another girl now, she was called Hannah, she was 22 and I loved her. Hannah turned out to be so much better for me than Siren.

It was hard seeing Silence almost everyday, she had been hit hard by her sister running again. We became close thought, the feelings of hurt and betrayal managed to bring us together. Silence had now also accepted that her sister was self destructive and no good. She was slowly moving on, Silence and Hunter were still together. My god that boy had supported her so much. Anyway a few months after Siren’s leaving. Danny found out about Silence’s self harm and depression and got her help.

Today was like any other I woke up beside Hannah went through my morning routine and went to Danny’s house. We were working on a new album and it was going well. Silence was coming to the studio with us today because she didn’t want to be alone.

When we got their, James, Sam and Cameron were already in their working on some new stuff. The day was long and tiring.

Silence’s POV

The day at the studio had been boring. I had thought about Siren a lot. I hadn’t realised how bad a sister she really was until she left and I had time to reflect on her actions. Yes she tried to help me and be there for me but ultimately she had left me. On the way out of the studio I swear I saw a familiar face. I couldn’t quite place it until we were all out in the street.

It was Adrian, he had been one of Siren’s friends and her dealer. They had left together then the sight I saw shocked me.

3rd Person POV

Adrian was walking out of the studio where he now worked, Siren and Roman were meeting on the street to go out for dinner. Ben, Silence and the Asking guys were also walking out onto the same street. Adrian failed to realise what Silence had picked up on.

“Hey” Siren said to Adrian, then gave him a one armed hug. Roman was squirming against her hip. “SIREN!” she heard her name being called and whipped round to see Ben, Silence, Danny, James, Sam and Cameron. They all stood their with shocked looks on their faces.

Siren’s POV


So what do you think quite a twist isn’t it, well not really but oh well. Btw sorry if you don’t like swearing, it’s just I swear a lot when speaking so I swear when writing to.

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