Drummers and Driving

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Siren’s POV

OH CRAP!!!! Looks like they have been standing there long enough to see our little sisterly moment, shit, I hate people seeing my soft side, its only there for my sister. To everyone else I’m just a cold, cruel bitch and yes people have called me that, not that it affects me at all.

Ben’s POV

I have to admit what we just saw was pretty damn sweet, this girl didn’t seem anything like she was described. But then she turned and finally saw us her eyes turned cold and withdrawn. Perhaps I was wrong but there is definitely more to this girl than meets the eye seeing them both now it was obvious they were sisters, although not identical, they both had freckles and bluish eyes. Their hair was naturally dark but Siren had hers dyed a deep red colour.

Danny’s POV

What I just saw broke my heart, this so called troublemaker was sitting with her crying sister in her arms telling her to go and to make a better life for herself. I couldn’t break apart these two, I would hate myself, it seems as if Silence has been reliant on Siren for a long time. Siren was the leader, the stronger one. But some of this strength clearly came from being detached from other people apart from her sister. I wonder if this girl had many friends, probably, she seems like the type people would follow, even if it was in fear.  Both girls were staring at our group, Silence had tears in her eyes still and was sniffling but Siren, she was staring directly at Ben, and he was staring straight back. That was a bit weird.

I know I only came here for one kid and Silence seemed perfect but there was no way she way going to leave without her sister and no way I could split them up. I guess having twins would be cool. “Soooo…”I said. “Silence, I know you won’t leave without your sister, and I would feel too guilty if I split you up. I’m going to adopt both of you.

Silence looked happy, Siren looked shocked.

Siren’s POV

I had been staring at Ben for a full 3 minutes, it was kinda awkward but I wanted him to look away first, I wanted to see if he would break. But he didn’t he just stared right back with the ghost of a smirk on his face. He really was as arrogant as he seemed in interviews. Danny started to speak up but I didn’t pay attention, I just kept my eyes on Ben, making my gaze harder and meaner. Danny was rambling on when suddenly I caught what he was saying, “I’m going to adopt both of you.”

I looked straight at Danny, shocked. Shit! I broke first, oh well, Ben wasn’t paying attention he looked equally as shocked as the other guys. But why? Was all I could think to myself. No one and I mean no one has ever wanted me before, Silence sure but me? NEVER. I didn’t no what to say, I was so con fused. Silence ran up and hugged Danny then hugged each of the others in turn. But I just sat on my bed, dumbstruck; everyone was looking at me waiting for a reaction. All I did was turn my gaze out towards the window and the trees beyond. I was vaguely aware of Silence muttering something but I didn’t hear properly. Why me?

Do you hear the Sirens Calling? (Ben Bruce/Asking Alexandria Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now