Chapter 35

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      When we got everything set up we Skyped  the team, and there was another cop in there that I've never seen before."Sorry we weren't able to talk yesterday but clearly we weren't able to talk after what happened."
"It's fine, but now that everyone is here we could talk about it. Her name is Violet Peters, age 19. She was found in a local park on the swing set."
"Who found her?"
"A mother and her daughter. After the shooting, a man came in and he was asking about Violet, he thought she was still alive."
"Did you tell him that she was dead?"
"No I didn't I thought you guys should, should I call him in?"
"Yes please. Did he tell you his name?"
"Yes, it's required to give us a name."
"What was his name and what did he want?"
"His name was Jason Woods, he said that she was his girlfriends daughter and that she was missing."
"Ok thank you!" After Hotch finished JJ started speaking, "So these cases are connected, he lied to the  police officer! That wasn't his girlfriend, she never was with him like that!"
"You ok JJ?" Morgan said in confusion.
"No I'm not ok! You don't lie to a police officer, when he comes in-you let me talk to him! I'll show him who he's messing with!"
"I'd like to watch this! I'll let you have the room!" I would love to be in there with JJ, I mean she is co-mom you just just have to at times! But I can't since that man most likely was the one that shot me, and the killer. I zoned out again and Spencer poked me and I snapped back."So let's-I guess my Baby Girl is calling now!"Morgan said with a smile."Well hello my pretty's! I have an ID on the sucker that hurt our sister! I hope he goes to Hell!"
"Whoa, calm down!"
"Sorry, sorry-but anyways his name is Michel Woods. Lives in Boston, he has a twin brother too!"
"Let me guess Jason Woods?"
"How'd you know? Is he another guy that hurt someone in our family? If so, his mama would want to put a restraining order on me! He wouldn't see ever again!"
"Baby Girl you need to calm down! Would it be better to talk to Mackenzie?"
"Is that even a question? OF COURSE I WOULD WANT TO SPEAK TO MY SISTER!!" I started crying when she said that, I love that preppy, strange, sister of mine!"Hey Girly!"
"MACKENZIE! Meh, you-you were here the whole time?"
"Penelope I'm still in the hospital, thy set up a video call  while I'm here."
"Did they tell you yet?"
"Tell me what?"
"We have a wedding coming up!"
"Morgan's? Well Savannah told me she was expecting it, but she didn't know when."
"Tell me what his face looks like right now!" Morgan looked over at the camera and I laughed."He looks like he's getting to old for this!"
"Ok, ok girls that's enough! Mackenzie I'll deal with you when you get out of there!"
"Try! I bet you can't do anything-oh I put to much effort in that there!" I leaned over to the laptop and ended the call."Hey what's wrong?"
"I don't know, when I was putting all that in that my shoulder started hurting, like really bad!"
"Do you want me to get a doctor?"
"Ya, if you could. Hey don't tell them what happened till I'm better, ok?"
"Ya, that's fine." He pressed the button to call the nurse in, and I told her what was happened. Long story short they wanted it to be checked so they sent me for X-rays. 
     When my X-rays came back they noticed there was a small hairline fracture where the bullet hit, but they didn't need the X-rays to notice that, the back of my shoulder was swollen, scrapes around that spot, and it hurt really bad! They noticed that it was broken so they sent me back into surgery.
      After a few hours of surgery they finished and I got back into my room. Spencer was there sitting in his chair crying. I woke up an hour or so later and he was right there waiting for me to wake up."Hey how are you feeling?"
"I'm in pain, but you seem very worried. You shouldn't I'll be fine after I heal."
"Mackenzie it's possible that they won't let you back into the field! You've had serious injuries that will be very sensitive in this job!I'm not saying you aren't ever going to go back into the field but it's possible, I'm sorry!"
"Spencer, that doesn't scare me! I could be falling off a cliff and I'd be worried that I'm leaving you alone!" He looked at me and had a tear roll down his cheek, I did the same. He leaned over to me and kissed me, it broke my heart seeing him like this, he would always stare at me and hold my hand.
       After two days I was able to call the team back and talk about work."How's it going with the case right now?"
"Well we got the unsub! You're not going to like this!"
"Was it the Woods twins?"
"Yup, Jason had all the plans, and Michel put them into action. And we were right both their parents died last month, they were close to them."
"Did Jason come up with the idea to shoot me?" There was silence for a moment than JJ started talking,"Well it was one of the local cops ideas. It was the one that told us about the second body, I think it was Officer O'Hayden? He said he saw you and you didn't seem like you belong so you should go to a place that you would. I would say the last part but it's not aloud by co-mama bear!"
"Come on, I thought he would have been a cool dude too, but no he had to ruin my shoulder!"
"Honey you seem tired, I'm-we're going to let you go now. Will and the kids are going to come by tonight, so be rested up!"
"Thank you guys! You are ok-to become the best you should bring me some cheesecake and chocolate! Wink wink, nodge nodge, come on people listen to me!"
"Oh Honey I'm trying not to yell!"
"Yell what?"
"SAME! SO MUCH SAME! Yell that, geez that felt good!I'll have Will bring you some cheesecake and chocolate tonight." Spencer looked at me and I knew what he wanted once he looked at me."I guess Spencer would like to get punched!"
"Ooo I get the honors!" Penelope said standing in the door way."Yay, someone I could trust!"Spencer looked at me and at Penelope and seemed confused."Spencer nothing you'll ever understand!"
"Ok, no questions, no questions Spencer! Geez a man shouldn't say that."
"What man? I see a Spencer."
"I'm done, no more! Garcia talk but not to me right now, I'm not happy!"

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