Chapter 3

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I sat in my car and for some reason and started crying. I was expecting Spencer to walk out and knock on the glass when I got into the car. But it took at least 10 minutes. "Mackenzie, what do I do? I've never had a girl cry over me saying something."
"You are stupid around me. But you try to hurt me Spencer Reid, I have a gun."
"I'm not going to hurt you, but I am scared right know."He tried to open the door but it wouldn't open since it was locked. I pressed to button to open it, and he finally opened it. "Spence you are red. "He clearly was confused still on what to do. "So why were you so mad?"
"Ha, I really don't know.
"What about dinner,we were going to go."
"Ok let's go."We headed off to the dinner down the street and I called Garcia, Morgan, and JJ too come also. "Hey the gang is here! But Rossi and Hotch had to talk so they won't be coming. But we got newbie, Kid Genius, Baby Girl, Co-mom, and me sexy abs!"
"Morgan! Don't even, just because I didn't say anything about MY abs earlier doesn't mean mine are better.*Sassy hair flip* But I was going to tell you guys about me and my past. It was taken off my papers since it was *sigh* horrible."
"Hey than let's not have it here, we should go somewhere else. But let's eat first. Come here Mac." Morgan actually hugged me, it took him long enough. "Hey Mackenzie just know we all will be here for you. We are a family, work and outside of work. "Garcia waddled over to me and hugged me, JJ joined in. We ate and went over to JJ's house, we all got a drink and sat on the three couches. "Ok, so I should tell you about me." I felt the tears starting to boil up. But I felt two arms hugging me, on my left Garcia, and on my right JJ. "Um, my mom was the only one raising me. When I was 9, she started to date. One of the men she dated came back one day and- and- h-he rapped me! I tried to tell my mom but she wouldn't listen, she asked him if he did and he denied it, so they kept dating. Till one day I took a camera and hide it in my room, when he would come in it would start filming." I than started crying. "Oh Honey you don't need to continue. We get it."
"No, when I got the video I showed my mom, she put a restraining order on him. The story of my life doesn't end there. When I was 16 I got into a relationship and he was the sweetest guy, but he started hanging out with the kids that drank and did drugs. He started using drugs, and he started beating me. I couldn't leave him or he will kill my mom. So I had to deal with it, I didn't know what to do. At that point in my life I started becoming a wild child. But I had a wake up call when I was a senior in high school. There was a school shooting and I saw the police officers and felt safe. I wanted to be that person that helps the kids through the scary things in life. The scary things cause darkness, but it isn't complete darkness, there is a way to get out of it. At that time I wanted to be that person with the light to guide the ones in the dark out of it. My story was scary but not many people know this. I feel that if you are my family and you should know." They all were crying even Morgan. They just came at me and hugged me. Spencer didn't say much he stared at the ground letting out a few tears, he was mumbling something but I didn't know since I don't read lips.
By the way, this never happened I just wanted her to have a dark past. But the past is what makes her the person she is now in the story. It might seem that I am just saying that to put my life out there, this never happened. I just wanted this to be clear.

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