Chapter 34

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       It was the day of the profile and we had all the facts, we just needed to put them together and make them make sense. We were getting ready to go out to give it but a local cop came in. "Sorry to bother you but there's another body!"
"Can it wait till after the profile?"
"I guess the victims isn't going anywhere!"
"But the unsub will, he's going to start hunting soon so lets just give the profile and we'll talk after that."
"Ok, thank you Agent Hotchner for this!"
"No problem, my team is happy to help!" I didn't think he would strike again he didn't seem like that kind of unsub, I guess I was wrong. When we got up in front of the police officers I noticed a man out of uniform and stared at me, I didn't want to say anything since it could have been that he just liked me or something. I studied his face as he did the same to me, I finished as we started. Hotch was first, than JJ, Morgan, my dad, Spencer, than I. "So this unsub leaves his crime scenes a mess, hard to find the evidence."
"The unsub is young mid 20's, they are tall enough to strangle a woman that is 5'6."
"They are smart, they show us the evidence but they don't know what it means to them or the victim. Most times they would know so it points to someone else, but they point it all to the victim, nothing to them."
"They prefer older ways of killing people, so they would be hanging around older spots in the town, they aren't very fond the modern days."
"It could be that they were molested as a child, or they had a resent passing of a loved one. Study's show that after a wife/husband or a child passing they are most likely to get anger issues, depression, or selflessness. Our unsub could be depressed AND have anger issues, he could have had more than one person close to him die." It was my turn but when I looked over to that man he was pulling something out so the first thing that came to mind,"GUN, EVERYONE GET DOWN!!" They all got down and I was getting down, I heard the gunshot and felt the bullet go through my shoulder.
      I passed out and didn't remember anything that happened, but the next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital with Spencer and my dad there." What's going on?"
"We were-we were giving our-ah-our profile and you-you-you were shot."
"So that's why my shoulder is killing me?!? Did they find that guy?"
"No he was long gone when we got up! We rushed you to here and the bullet was still in your shoulder when we got here, but they sent you in surgery and removed it."
"I saw that man earlier, he was staring at me when we walked in."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"Ok ok, I'm sorry. Are you able to tell the drawer?"
"Yes, I studied his face before Hotch said anything."
"So you had some time? Ok, well we have some police officers outside your room so that IF he comes back he'll be stopped!"
"Thank you dad! Can I have a moment with Spencer?"
"Yes my darling, I'll be right outside the door if you need anything, love you." He walked out and Spencer handed me a small cup with a few pills in it."Whats this Spence?"
"Some pain medication, they wanted me to give it to you when you wake up."
"Thanks. Are you ok, you don't seem right."
"Mackenzie, my girlfriend was shot! Do you think I'll 'be right'?"
"Ok, I'm sorry!  You know its just a scratch right?"
"Just a scratch? Just a scratch? It hit your shoulder blade, and was about to go through."
"Spencer, oh Spencer! It was a joke!"
"Oh, well I guess I just told you what happened than?"
"Ya I guess? Spencer did anyone else get hurt?"
*sigh*"N-no you were the only one. When I get him he's going to regret  hurting you!"
"Spencer let Morgan do all the dirty work!"
"Fine, I guess. But hey, I'm not letting you stay in your apartment alone!"
"Spencer I'm still in the hospital, let's not think about that right now!"
"Ok." He got me something to eat and drink as I was sitting there in my hospital bed. I took the pain medication that the doctors gave me and I started getting tired from the meds so I just started falling a sleep.
    I woke up to see Spencer right there with me, pulling me through, carrying my brokenness, my sickness, all on his shoulders. (Authors note:If anyone could name that song, than I would be impressed!) As I was thinking that I started laughing, still half awake, and Spencer looked at me like I was crazy."What are you laughing at?"
"Nootthhing-well it might be you!"
"You're strange, but I love you for it!"
"Awww, I guess you aren't all brains, you care about how weird I am too!"
"You know that I have a heart, and you love my big, warm, bloody heart!"
"Ok, to much. Well don't you have work?"
"We do!"
"I clearly can't be there."
"We're setting up a web cam on the TV. I'll be here with you and everyone else at the station."
"Thank you! I'm so glad I have you guys here for me when I can't be there for you!"
"We're here for you all the time! Oh hey, JJ called Will and he is bringing the kids up here to see you."
"Oh really, I feel popular! I don't like that feeling."
"Oh I thought I was the only one!"
"You learn something new every day!(Even without books!)"
"Hey I heard that!"
"I'm ok with that." After an hour or so they finished with the web camera and we started work, they didn't need to do this but they did it for me. I have the best team, if I didn't have them I'd be a mess! If I was able to change this world the first thing on my list would be fixing all the hurt and making it happiness. Life without happiness, is life without blood flowing through your veins, you can't live without it.

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