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Okay, I know this is important to everyone, so let me tell you the amazing prizes for the winners of EACH CATEGORY.

First place: Follow from every admin's account and this account itself if it isn't following you, also you'll get comments (minimum ten each chpt.) on the first ten chapters of your book, a shoutout and votes from this account, my personal account and (maybe) the admin's accounts for all of your chapters. Also a winner sticker on the cover.

Second place: A follow from this account, my personal account and (this is up to them) all of the admin's accounts, a shoutout and votes on the first ten/fifteen (we'll see) chapters of your book. A runner up sticker on the cover.

Third place: A follow from this and my personal account, a shoutout and votes on the first three chapters of your book.

Fourth place: (yes, I am that generous) A follow from this and my personal account and a shoutout.

Fifth place: A shoutout.

I wish I could give prizes to all of the participants, but if I did this would be a contest created by my grandma, and I am not going to do that, so only the first five places will be getting awards. What else can I say? Again, I wish you the best of lucks, be happy and remember to submit your story ONLY on the first chapter! Thank you all!

NOTE: The votes, comments and... Well yeah, those two will be ONLY in the book you submitted, the book that won, you cannot ask us to apply them for a different book because we won't. Am I being clear with this? You know, I am terrible when explaining things, so any questions leave them on the comment section!


Dany 🍉

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