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Another three months had gone by since that night in the hotel room. It hadn't gone down as Y/N had envisioned it, Spencer hadn't broken it off with her and broken her heart.

Instead he'd gently coaxed out of her the words she'd been so scared of speaking, replying with his own declaration of love and adoration for her.

"So what happens now?" she'd asked.

"I'll leave Georgia so we can be together, if that's what you want."

"Spencer, this isn't just about what I want. This won't work if it's just about me. You have to want this to. Because it's a big ask for you to hurt the person you've been with for so long."

"But if I don't hurt her, I'm hurting you. And myself. I want this, I want you. It's wrong how this has happened, but it has. We have to accept that. We did something wrong and we have to make it right."

So when he'd crept out of Y/N's room that morning, it was with a promise that once Georgia arrived home that evening, he'd end things. And that he'd let Y/N know as soon as it was done.

So she waited, all night. For a phone call, a text message, a knock at her door that never came. And by the early hours of the morning she'd convinced herself that their conversation earlier had been a lie, and that Spencer just hadn't been able to handle letting her down to her face. She berated herself for being so dumb, so stupid. For believing the words of a man that would cheat on his girlfriend. Y/N worked herself into a state and when it was time for work the next morning, she had one hell of a job trying to cover her puffy eyes and dry lips from all of the crying.

She was sure she'd managed it though until a moment on the teams jet. Y/N had gone to the bathroom and when she opened the door to leave, JJ was standing there waiting for her.

"Everything okay?" she asked, her concerned blue eyes searching Y/N's face.

"Erm yeah. Every thing's fine."

"Are you sure? You've been very quiet this morning and..... Well, you don't seem yourself right now. If there's anything you want to talk about, we can you know."

She very nearly tugged Jennifer into the bathroom with her then, ready to break down and spill all of the details of hers and Spencer's sordid affair. But she glanced down the aisle and saw Spencer look up from his book, catching her eye.

"Every thing's fine JJ. I just didn't sleep well last night that's all."

The blonde profiler chose to let it go as Y/N moved passed her and back to her seat, avoiding Spencer's gaze.

Later that night when the team were at their motel, Y/N heard a knock on her door as she was getting ready for bed. Thinking it was JJ coming to pry again, she opened the door to see it was Spencer and immediately tried to close it on him. She wasn't in the mood for this. Not here, not now. He blocked her move and pushed into the room, closing the door behind him.

"I need to explain" he said quietly as she looked every where in the room but at him.

"No you don't, it's fine. I get it."

"Y/N......Look at me, please."

When she didn't, Spencer crossed the room to her and gently cupped her chin with his hand, turning her face to his.

"I couldn't do it yesterday. I will do it, I swear it. But I can't do it right now" his hazel eyes were full of conflict and emotion and Y/N wanted to pull away from him but found that she wasn't able to make herself.

"When Georgia came home yesterday, she was a mess. Her Dad called her whilst she was driving home, her Mom died."


Secrets And Lies: A Criminal Minds Fic Where stories live. Discover now