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Spencer stared at the photo in front of him, his brain putting the pieces together almost instantly. The girl was almost the spitting image of Ellie. Glancing up at Y/N, he started to sputter.

"You.... She.... I have...." another thought crossing his mind, he turned to his wife, his eyes narrowed. "You knew?"

"Only recently, Spencer. I swear."

"You still knew. And you didn't tell me" he spun his head back to Y/N. "And you.....wait....Ella?"

Without uttering another word he slid out of the booth and stormed quickly out of the café.

"Shit" Y/N muttered, looking at Georgia who was still staring after him.

"I'll go after him. He can't have go far, I've still got the car keys."

Gee started to slide out of the booth but Y/N quickly put her arm out, placing her hand on Georgia's forearm.

"Don't. I need to go. I've got so much explaining to do and I think I need to do it by myself. I won't.... I won't say anything about the other things you've told me, okay?"

Georgia thought for a minute and then nodded. "Okay. Text me or call me later. I'll go pick Ellie up."

Y/N quickly sprinted out off the café, scanning up and down the street and spotting Reid in the distance heading in the direction that Will and JJ lived in. She ran as fast as she could, puffing and panting by the time she caught up with him. She wasn't the fit Agent she used to be and she struggled to get her breath and talk to him at the same time.

"Spencer...... Spencer..... Please!"

He ignored her and kept walking, turning into JJ's street. Y/N then realised why he was going there. Jennifer had mentioned that she'd had dinner last night with Spencer. Henry and Ella were obviously friends and Henry often talked about his friends. If Henry had mentioned to his godfather Spencer that Ella was coming over to play, then that meant that Reid had a pretty good idea of where his daughter was right now.

Y/N grabbed his arm forcefully and tried to reason with him again. "Spencer... Please. We need to talk."

He stopped in the street and turned to her, glaring.

"Don't you think we needed to talk six years ago? You kept this from me for six years. I have another child out there that you kept from me!"

"I.... I'm sorry! I didn't know what to do!"

"You didn't know what to do? You didn't how to pick up a phone and call me, and tell me that I was going to be a father?"

"I didn't.... I didn't...." tears were building in her eyes and she was aware of people across the street staring at the commotion but she no longer cared. "You didn't want me. And I didn't want you to want me just because of her."

His eyes narrowed again and she continued."You didn't call me, you didn't even have the decency to tell me that we were over. I didn't find out I was pregnant until after I left and I struggled for months whether to tell you or not. Yes, I was being selfish. I didn't want a baby to make the difference between us. And when I finally decided that you should know, I found out that she was pregnant too. So you were going to be a dad anyway."

"You should have told me.... "

"Reid, please. Can we just go somewhere and talk this out and then we can go to JJ's and you can see her, if that's what you want?"

"Does JJ know she's mine?"

Y/N winced but nodded, seeing his face fall again.

"I made her promise not to tell. She's been the only friend I've had throughout all of this Spencer. Don't hate JJ for this, hate me. I deserve it."

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