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For someone who had committed such a sin yet again, Y/N slept surprisingly well. She woke up at 8am to her phone singing, the soft weight of her daughter curled up against her. She grabbed her phone, answering it to silence it, realising too late that it was Georgia calling her.

"Hello... " she croaked out, her voice heavy with sleep.

"Just so you know, I'm not mad. And as weird as it will be, I enjoy our friendship and would prefer it if we could remain friends. I'm taking Ellie to see my dad this morning whilst Spencer packs some things up, and then she has a birthday party this afternoon. It's at one of those fun factory places, perhaps all three of us could meet there to discuss how this is going to work, 3pm say?"

So he'd actually done it?

Spencer had actually done it.

Fucking hell.

She was awake now and rolled away from Ella, sitting upright.

"Y/N... Are you there still? I mean it, I'm not mad... "

She realised that she hadn't spoken and coughed quickly, "I'm here. Gee.... I'm sorry."

"Don't be. He was meant to be with you, I've known that for years. Ellie and I will be fine. We're going to be one of those weird families, where the ex wife and the new wife are still good friends and they all go on holiday with each other, I've decided. No arguing."

Y/N laughed nervously, still unsure at how to process everything.

"So, 3pm? Yes?"

"Yes, okay. I'll see if JJ will watch Ella for me."

"Okay. I'll see you later. And I wouldn't be surprised if Spencer doesn't turn up at your door soon."

She disconnected the call leaving Y/N feeling dumbstruck. It was then she noticed that she had text messages from Spencer, sent hours ago, asking her to call him when she woke up. She called him, him picking up after only two rings.

"I did it" were the first words he said to her.

"I know. Georgia called me."

"She did? Was she... Oh shit Y/N, I'm sorry. Was she horrid to you? She seemed okay when she left."

"She was strangely calm and fine. Says that she knows we were meant to be together, and she didn't sound like she was lying. She wants to meet later though. To discuss arrangements."

Y/N felt Ella stirring beside her and she smiled at her daughters sleepy face.

"Yeah she mentioned that. I think... I think she's being genuine. Listen, erm.... Obviously Georgia and Ellie are staying in the house and I'm not. I know you didn't say much last night so I don't know how you feel about any of this, not really. But I need to find somewhere to stay, either a hotel for a while until I can get a rental or maybe Derek has some... "

"Spencer, just come here. I couldn't say it last night and I'm not going to say it over the phone, but all those feelings I had all those years ago are still there. They haven't gone away. So when you're ready, come here."

"I'm pretty much packed, at least what I can right now anyway. So I'll see you in forty?"

"We'll be up, I'll make breakfast for us all."

When Spencer turned up forty five minutes later and started unloading suitcases from the car, Ella looked extremely confused but happy.

"Does daddy live with us now?" she asked, looking up at both adults.

"Yes, daddy lives with us now. Is that okay?" Y/N told her, instructing Reid to put his stuff in the small box room until she had time to make room in her closets.

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