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In the six years that passed by, Y/N's life changed drastically.

At the lake cabin she called Aaron and told him to proceed with her transfer papers, requesting he fast track them if possible. She explained to him that she still had two weeks of vacation time on top of the two she was already taking and that she'd be running them together. If she couldn't be transferred away in those four weeks, she'd regretfully not be returning and would find another job elsewhere, she had some savings to tide her over. Hotch probed, but all she'd tell him was that there were some personal issues at work that would cause her judgement to be strongly impaired and that she wouldn't be able to focus on the tasks at hand whilst she remained on that team. She didn't need to say much more, Aaron understood. He called her at the end of the first week, explaining that a post was available at the field office in Florida, she could start in four weeks. She'd take it.

JJ stayed with her for the first week and was a godsend. Her and Henry proved to be a massive distraction during the day and at night, she and Jennifer would drink wine and talk. Occasionally she'd cry, but mostly she'd laughed, extremely thankful that she had a friend like her.

Y/N stayed on at the lake for another few days before driving the distance to Florida where she quickly found an apartment to rent. With the help of JJ, she had her belongings shipped out there without ever having to return home. She still never heard from Reid. Messages came from every other member of the team but not from him. It was only once she'd moved into to her new home and been in her new post for three weeks, that she heard from Spencer, in the form of a letter. Recognising his scrawl, she found a metal trash can, took the letter and the can into the small garden she was lucky enough to have, and burnt it. She didn't want to hear his excuses, not now.

Four weeks into her new job and she was dealt a huge blow. She collapsed in the field, had to be rushed into hospital to be checked out. The outcome of the tests?

Y/N was pregnant. Around fourteen weeks the Doctor estimated. And there was only one person who could have been the father.

Y/N hadn't known what to do. She didn't believe it at first, making the Doctor do multiple tests. Yes she'd put on a little bit of weight recently but she'd put that down to all the takeout she was eating. After six tests revealed that she was indeed pregnant, she gave in and accepted it, going home to cry.

Abortion wasn't an option for her, she couldn't bring herself to do that. And she knew that she couldn't carry a child for nine months just to hand it over to someone else. So she resolved herself to her fate. She was going to have Spencer's child. Y/N called the only person she could think of to talk to about this. Jennifer.

"You're.... Pregnant? Shit.... "

Which was pretty much how Y/N felt right now, but there was something else in JJ's voice.

"About fourteen weeks. And it's Reid's."

"Are you planning on telling him?"

"I... I don't know."

They had conversations over and over for the next few months until one night, when Y/N was around seven months gone, she decided she was going to tell him. She called JJ to let her know.

"Y/N... I wanted to tell you this in person, and I was hoping to wait until next weekend when I coming down to see you but I think you need to know now. Spencer made an announcement to us all yesterday, him and Georgia are getting married. She's twelve weeks pregnant."

Y/N dropped the glass she'd been holding, wincing as it shattered on the floor.

"Y/N.... Are you still there?"

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