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For two weeks Y/N pushed all thoughts of Georgia and Ellie to the back of her mind.

At least, she tried too. But she wasn't doing very well at it. Georgia text her four times asking if they could meet up again, and Ella constantly asked if they could go back to the park near her parents so she could play with her new friend. Eventually, Y/N gave in and messaged Spencer's wife and told her she'd be at the park Friday afternoon at 4pm. And then she consulted JJ.

"Just... Be careful, okay. I don't want to see you or Ella getting hurt again here. Georgia is a good person, but she is still married to Spencer, regardless of how unhappy they are together."

"I know, I know. You should have seen then together though JJ. They're so alike, if we dressed them the same, you'd barely be able to tell the difference."

She hadn't told JJ the entire conversation she'd had with Georgia. She didn't think she could bring herself to talk about how Georgia had admitted to faking a pregnancy and miscarriage because she knew Spencer was going to leave her. And anyway, what difference would JJ knowing now make?

Friday afternoon at 4pm came and Y/N and Ella made their way to the park, seeing Ellie and her mom already there. The two girls ran towards each other, squealing in that way that little girls did. Y/N slowly made her way to the bench where Georgia was sat and gingerly lowered herself down besides her.

In the few weeks since she'd seen her, Georgia had changed. Her hair had been dyed a more vibrant shade of red and she was wearing more make up this time. When Y/N realised she'd been staring far longer than was acceptable, she complimented her quickly.

"You look nice, the hair... It suits you."

"Thanks...I figured if my old love rival was back in town then I'd need to start making an effort with my appearance. Don't want the husband straying again.... "

Y/N's jaw dropped, not having the first clue how to respond.

"Y/ was a joke. Seriously, I'm kidding.... My roots have needed doing for ages so I just decided to go the whole hog. And as for Spencer straying, meh."

She said the last part so nonchalantly that Y/N wondered whether she was baiting her, but then the woman started making idle chit chat and Y/N pushed the thought to the back of her mind. The two women talked as they watched their daughters playing, taking them to a small diner afterwards where all four slurped on milkshakes and complained of brain freeze. When it was time to leave, Georgia asked Y/N quietly "same time next week?" and she nodded.

And so began the start of an awkward friendship between Spencer's wife and mother of the child he knew about, and the woman who'd birthed his first born that he knew nothing of. It was strange, extremely so at first but as the women met regularly to watch the two half sisters playing, they realised that they had more in common than they thought. Ultimately, there'd been a reason that Spencer had been attracted to both, they all shared the same interests. They met most weeks, only missing a meeting if Spencer wasn't out on a case and had made plans with his wife and daughter. Those nights, Y/N tried not to be annoyed or irritated, but she'd be lying if she said she wasn't jealous. Although Georgia tried not to talk about Reid, after Y/N specifically asked her not to when she commented one too many times that Spencer should know about Ella, Ellie did. And sometimes, it hurt her heart to see Ella listening in awe at stories of her friends daddy, her daddy, and the things they got up together.

After four months of Y/N and Georgia secretly meeting up, Y/N found Ella at bedtime looking solemnly through a photo album that they'd put together.

"What's wrong, baby?" she climbed onto the bed next to her daughter, seeing her little face crease up as she tried to hide her emotions.

"Mommy, where is my dad? Ellie has one, and even the boys and girls at school who don't live with their daddies still talk about them. I do have one, right?"

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