Chapter #7

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Three days pass and it is now Sunday. I had an amazing first week with Shawn and this week will be the last. I had so much fun with Shawn, I didn't want it to end. We went to the beach, the jazz club, the music shop, the library, and the zoo. I'm curious as to what we're doing this week. I grew towards this guy like plants grow towards the sunlight. Now it feels like I never want to let him go. I wonder if he feels the same way about me. I don't want to be just friends anymore. I grow more and more nervous just thinking about it. I don't have time to have anxiety anymore, I have power over it and I am now living life. This summer will not be wasted and I'm going to go for it no matter what occurs. Just as I was about to talk to Shawn in his bedroom, I see him getting dressed in his work uniform.

"Hey, my boss needed me to work today. They're short on employees."

"So it's just for today?"

"Who knows? Maybe I'll have to work on Sunday's now." He laughs

"Oh okay."

I am so nerve-racked right now. I'm trying so hard to work up the courage and ask him. I take a deep breath and blurt it out. Who cares what he'll say? At least I tried.

"Hey, Shawn? Before you head out, I just wanted to say that I've had the most fun last week than I've had in years. You made me feel special and wanted and I just don't know how to repay you. I wish I knew how but once I do, I'll give you something in return."

"It's no problem, Camila. You don't have to give me anything in return. It's all on me. You had rough days and I think it's my job to restore that. Trust me."

"It doesn't necessarily have to be your job. It was my fault and I probably should have asked someone else to let me stay with them. I'm so sorry if I caused you any trouble and—"

I've been interrupted by the by the soft, petal-like lips onto mine. It definitely caught me off guard until I finally went with it. After all this time, I was working up the nerve to ask him to be mine. But I guess this already answered my question. My hands meet his hair and I have never felt anything softer. I've never experienced being this close to someone at all. Is this what love feels like? I have tingling sensations inside and outside of me. My heart is pounding so much, I think he can feel it as well. I want to be with him forever. I know this all sounds cheesy, but trust me, when you get the chance to be in my position, you'd understand. He pulls back and I'm almost out of breath. He smiles and his eyes light up like the moon rays that surfaces his skin at night. His breath warming my shivering body like a wool blanket in the wintertime. Our breaths are in sync now and my cheeks are probably flushed.

"I've been wanting to do that for days now." He says, shocking me

"Really? So have I. I've been meaning to ask you to go out with me ever since I bumped into you."

"I'm so glad we did. I've been so alone for a long time, I thought I was losing hope. I had no friends, no parents and I had to take care of myself. I was terrified of being stuck like this for the rest of my life. Go to work, pay bills, eat and sleep. Trying to keep up with time or trying to drag time along with me. But now that I've found you, I don't care about the time anymore. I feel like I have some support and there's absolutely no need for you to repay. I like you."

"I like you, too Shawn."

"And I would love to be your boyfriend."

It is now Sunday night and he comes home from his long shift. He sees me come out of his steamy shower with wet hair and a silk robe. He has something hidden behind his back. Peach colored tulips.

"I got you flowers. I happen to know that you like peach, am I right?"

"You are absolutely right! Thank you so much." I hug him

"I feel bad for not  giving you anything."

"Stop that, your presence is all that you can give me."

"You're so cute, give me those." I take the flowers and sniff them. I put them in a vase.

"I have something else planned for us."

"Oh, what is that?"

"Get dressed in something really nice." He smiles and makes his way to the bedroom

I go in my closet and find the short, black dress I bought two nights ago. I thought I could use it someday. I grab some black pumps and put on a smokey eye look for make-up. You can never go wrong with a burgundy matte lipstick. I spray a little perfume on my neck and wrists and curl my hair in big waves. I think that's about it. Oh and one last thing, a rose gold fitted watch. I love watches and to be honest, I use them for style rather than to look at the time. I come out feeling good and confident. He comes out with a fitted suit that I would not expect him to wear. I think I've fallen for him even more now.

"Wow, you look amazing." He says

"You don't look so bad yourself." I wink at him

"I'd never imagine you in something like that." He kisses my cheek

"I'd say the same to you."

"You should get your keys. I think your car is way better looking than my truck."

"Well, my lambo is nicer. But I never did mind being in your truck."

"Let's go in something different. I'll drive."

We walk out to my car and he gets in the drivers' seat.

"Be careful with it. I barely go places in it because it looks so clean."

"I'll definitely be cautious. This is like a two million dollar car." He says and I laugh

He drives down the road to where the fancy side of California is. This is where the rich people are: Beverly Hills. This town is extremely beautiful and I really want to live here someday. He pulls up to a fancy restaurant and I already feel out of place. About half of the people here are in their thirties or forties. He opens the door on my side and I take his hand. The host asks for his name and sits us towards the reserved, wealthy looking side of the restaurant. The lights are dimmed and the whole place looks spotless and too sacred to touch. A small jazz band is quietly playing in the background. How in the world is he able to afford something like this?!

"Do you like it here?" He asks

"Well I could use a few minutes to adjust, but it's great."

"You're probably wondering why I took you here."

"I am wondering why."

"When I was younger, I was in the car with my parents and we drove by this place and I was astonished. I promised myself if I ever got a girlfriend, I would save up the money to take her there. I was jealous of all the guys with a lady on their side, having a good time. Now tonight's the time."

"Wow, that's really sweet. How long did you have to wait?"

"It took eleven years and it was totally worth it." He grabs my hand

"Aw, I don't know what to say, Shawn."

"You don't have to say anything."

I smile and look down in embarrassment. The waiter brings our drinks and food. After a while, we finish our meal and we walk out of the restaurant. It was a really nice time and I never expected to be in that kind of atmosphere in my whole life. We arrive back home and I was once again caught off guard with his perfectly shaped lips against my own. I was caught laughing between kisses and our hearts are beating simultaneously. He takes his jacket off and I am already getting the feeling of what's about to happen next. He picks me up bridal style and I burst into giggles. Once every few seconds, a strip of clothing is lost and tossed away. It's not so much anxiety anymore, but excitement is building in me. He starts to pour down in sweat and I have never felt more different and alive. He's all I want and I don't ever want to leave his side. The darkness of the night is brightened by the glow of the full moon, beaming through his window, glistening both of our eyes. My head resting on him and his muscular arm protecting me. The soft, ballads from his record player are heard in the background. Thank you, God for this night.

Do We Want This? // Camila Cabello x Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now