Chapter #8

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The two weeks is now over and I am so not ready to leave him. As I'm quietly packing the rest of my stuff, he sits on his bed in silence. Clearly feeling upset. I have decided to leave his house a little later at night so I can spend the entire day with him. I know I just met him not too long ago and you're probably making fun of me for being in love with him already. I'm not even sure what to believe anymore. I feel like I've known him for years. I feel like I should be spending the rest of my life with him already.

"I thought we could spend our last day at the fair today." He mentions

"This doesn't have to be our last day together, you know."

"I know, but it feels like it because you're packing a suitcase."

"I just needed a place to stay for a while. Who knows? Maybe I'll decide to move in for good someday. I'll promise you that."

"I can't wait."

He kisses my forehead and we head out to the fair. I don't think I've ever been to a fair before, except that one time in middle school. My arrogant parents are no fun and all they care about is themselves. He purchases our tickets and we enter through the tall gates. It was full of people, young and old. Snack bars, running kids and spinning rides looked very interesting to me. Everything was all colorful and happy. I get none of that in my house. My house is full of nice, antique decorations and all that, but I've never really felt love, peace and happiness there in a long time. There were many other young couples here as well as Shawn and I. I did catch a few girls looking at him with grins on their faces. When I did, I immediately kissed him, which made him smile and wonder why. I explained it out of jealousy and he just laughed in amusement. He held my hand and allowed me to pick the rides we go on.

"So have you ever been to a fair before?"

"I've been to an amusement park once, but that was way back in middle school. I didn't really go on many rides, I just sat there watching people walk and ride the rides."

"You didn't have any group of friends to go on rides with?"

"No, I don't have any friends."

"Aww. You know what? How 'bout you pick what we do right now. We can eat something or go on a ride."

"How about the Ferris wheel?"

"Ferris wheel it is."

We stand in line for the Ferris wheel, which wasn't extremely long. I noticed that I never did let go of his hand. He makes me feel safe in situations like this. There were a lot of people here. When I look into his eyes, I remember the time he gave me those goosebumps at the beach. Just him and I feeling a great connection for the first time. We make it to the front of the line and the man controlling the Ferris wheel let us through. The ride starts and as soon as we get to the top, we could see all the wonders of the California atmosphere. The beach just a few walks away, people going in and out of buildings, palm trees swaying back and forth, and the clear water being the center of it all. The ride ends and we go on the ride that only brings you straight up and down. The feeling of weightlessness is very weird to me. The sharp inhales of the riders are preventing the feeling of uneasiness. Maybe if Shawn wasn't with me, I wouldn't feel as comfortable. Next, we sit at a bench sharing cheese fries and lemonade. For a bit, we get on a small train that goes into a haunted house. I'm normally not a scared person, but Shawn and I jumped from unexpected jump scares. We didn't want to get on a ride right after eating, obviously you will get sick. Afterwards we walked around looking over the bridge at the water. It's something about being near the beach and with Shawn is definitely something special. We get on a few more rides including the boat ride and leave the fair. Shawn won me a cute panda bear from a dart game and I'm going to keep it as long as I can. Our shoes come off as we walk on the warm, beach sand.

Do We Want This? // Camila Cabello x Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now