Chapter #15

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I've walked up to what seems like her own apartment. The complex looks way better than what I live in; she must be making quite a good amount of money. The moment I approach the solid black door, my hands were too hesitant to move anymore. What is wrong with me? It's just Cassidy, my old neighbor. We did a bunch of stuff during our childhood days: walk to the park, grab ice cream from the ice cream truck, played kickball, videogames, etc. That was so long ago, it feels like it was only a dream. She has the most perfect shade of cocoa brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes. I remember purchasing a doll that looked just like her for her 7th birthday. Jeez, here I go again with describing every detail about every girl I know. I force my hand into a fist and finally knock on the smooth, wooded door. The clicking of the lock is heard and the door swings open with ease; revealing a 5 foot 2, olive skinned beauty. I stand there without saying a single word.

"Shawn! Oh my goodness it's been so long!" She wraps her comforting arms around my waist expecting me to do the same

"Hey, Cassidy. You look amazing." I hug her in return

"Wow, we need to catch up on some things!"

"Well, there hasn't been much going on with me ever since I moved out. Just working." I say to her

"Really? Oh c'mon. I'm sure you've had eventful things going on in your life. Come in!" She kindly makes way for me to enter her sophisticatedly decorated house.

You can clearly tell that she's a much better decorator than I am. Most of the colors are black and brown with accented plants.

"Are you thirsty, Shawn?"

"Yeah I could use something to drink, thanks."

She walks into her kitchen, disappearing from my sight. I feel like I'm at a job interview or something.  Why are we communicating so formally? I get that we're both older and more mature, but I don't want to speak to her like she's a complete stranger. I want everything to feel like the old days. I'm not saying speak like children, I just don't want to appear as awkward. She arrives with a glass of water and sits on the leather couch next to me.

"So what have you been doing besides working?" She asks me while sitting with her legs crossed

"Well, to cut to the point, I met this girl and her name is Camila Cabello."

"Oh the actress?! Wow how did you meet her?"

"Well, I actually knew her before she got famous. It never came across my mind that she would be in a film. She seemed like the complete opposite of that. She needed comfort from her family, so I offered to let her stay in my apartment for two weeks. Then we became a thing. She was the best thing that's ever happened to me, at least I thought she was."

"Why didn't you think she was?"

"She gave me this type of vibe where she didn't care if people liked her or not. She came across as this innocent girl who cuts herself, told me she was abused by her family and said I was basically her only friend. Until she met Jack Lake, she looks like a completely different person now. She doesn't act like she cuts, been abused or anything. It looks like she's living the dream."

"It seems to me that it was all  an act."


"She probably already knew who Jack Lake was. She probably spent time with you and broke up with you just to make you jealous. She came off as this anxious, depressed chick for a good story. Hey! That's a good story I can write about!"

"Are you serious? What if you're right, Cassidy? What if she played me? Why me? Why would she do that anyway? That doesn't even make any sense!"

"It was a dumb idea and she probably didn't think about the consequences. She probably did it to hide from the media or to get details about your life story. I don't know."

"So you think that our relationship was a lie?"

"That's just my opinion. I think you should ask her for yourself."

"Thank you, Cassidy. That makes total sense. At least I hope it does because my mind is going crazy."

"No worries, Shawn!"

"It was great seeing you. I'm going to try and contact her. Let's hangout this week, yeah?"

"Sounds like a plan. Good luck!"

We both stand to our feet and embrace for the second time. Man, I missed her hugs so much. It's that nostalgic feeling that's so amazing. As I leave her apartment complex, I make my way to the truck and drive to my favorite diner. I sit down at the bar, order a tea and club sandwich, and just as I thought; Camila and Jack are on television. What else is new? The talk show is discussing whether they might be dating or not. My heart sank like an anchor. How could this girl do that to me? Bump into a total stranger, acting like she's a gust of wind. She must be a talented actress alright.

A/N: Does this chapter even make sense to you guys in some way? I apologize if it doesn't. lol. Plus I'm in school btw

Do We Want This? // Camila Cabello x Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now