At Home

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I watched as he stepped out of shower, carefully pulling the towel over his body. Even after two years, being in his presence practically left me breathless.

He looked himself over as he brushed his teeth. His brows furrowed as he glanced at a tattoo near his elbow. I giggled when he picked up my deodorant and used it before noticing - rolling his eyes at his mistake. The kick against my abdomen brought my attention back to reality.

My hand immediately found the spot where her little feet made their presence known. I rubbed my swollen belly as I imagined what she would be like.

"Daddy!!" Evelyn's little voice bellowed from behind the door. "When will you be out?"

"Let me dress and I'll be out, love," he replied.


He pulled a simple black tshirt over his head, then stepped into his silver Nike basketball shorts.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, joining me on the bed.

"Alright," I reached out to touch his hand. "I miss spending time with all of you."

"Well, she will be here soon enough and things will be back to normal," he squeezed my hand.

I nodded just as our door swung open and Evelyn appeared with pigtails and dressed as Princess Anna from Frozen.


"Let me guess, you wanna build a snowman?" Harry chuckled at his own joke.

"No, you have to be Elsa!"

"Evie, I was joking - of course I'll be Elsa," he glanced at me with wide eyes and a smirk then shrugged as if to say, "I thought it was funny."

After they left the room, Bas came sprinting in. At 6, he'd found a love for collecting old records.

"Mom, look what Lennon found on EBay," he handed me the tablet. "It's a Pink Floyd, Collector's Edition."

"Bas, it's $700," I pointed out. "That's not quite what I had in mind for a birthday gift."

"But it's so cool," he whined. "I won't ask for anything the rest of the year."

"Let me think about it," I answered, rubbing my temples. "Make sure your room is clean before your dad gets here."

He hopped off my bed, so I leaned back on the pillow.

"Hey mom," Lennon said quietly as he entered. "Can I ask you about spring break?"

"Hey Len, sure," I opened my eyes and pulled my oldest child in for a hug.

"I know this has been a tough year, so I don't expect much, but I'd really like to go to that camp in Brooklyn," he picked at his fingers.

"The music camp?"

"I'm sure your dad and Harry would be thrilled," I smiled. "I will talk to your dad about it today."

"I don't want either of them to take me," he looked at the floor. "I want my guitar, music and voice to be what gets me in."

"So, what can I do?"

"Maybe Charles can take me to the audition and then, if I get in, he can drop me off?"

"You don't want me to tell your dad?" I asked, surprised he didn't want to share this.

"Or Harry," he added quickly.

"Let me make some calls," I rubbed his back and nodded toward the door.


"Hey Sophie," Harry whispered quietly. "It's dinner time."

"I didn't realize I'd fallen asleep," I yawned looking around the room.

"Carmela said bed rest wouldn't be easy," he kissed my cheek.

"I know," I sighed lifting myself off the bed.

As we walked to the dining room, Harry told me about Evelyn's new imaginary friend, Zac.

"Apparently, he reminds her of Uncle Zayn," he chuckled. "Speaking of, I have an early meeting with my design team. Then with my manager. Will you be alright with Manuela?"

"Yes, of course," I smiled.

I loved his concern, and I loved him. The One Direction: Reunited tour would begin shortly after our second daughter was due to arrive.

caught in a landslide, pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now