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Have you asked yourself once about all the events that happened to you came at a right timing ?! Imagine that you are sitting in your room holding a book that is full of all you memorise , mistakes , success , failure , love , hate , fear , feelings , goodness , evil , heaven or hell . you imagined it right 😉 well wait hold on I didn't finish .

You are sitting turning the pages of that book seeing every single action you did , every single game you played , every single deal you made in your life actually you did . I know that you failed at some but then you turn the page of failure to the page of success

You can see you did it all right without a mistake you smiling now right . turn the other page or keeping turning the pages until you reach the page of love I know that you are emotional right now but hold on . you can see your family , your friends , your love of your life . every single thing you did it with them or right there read it don't be shy I know you are smiling even if you are crying but crying from happiness .

Other page now " the page of fear "
Now you are regretting feeling afraid from actions you did it in he past and you are still thinking about it . I can feel you are frozen in your seat actually your hands are shaking cause you are afraid of turning the page , your soul are screaming from all of that you just want to turn the page but you just can't . you know why oh let me tell cause you are still thinking about those mistakes but let me tell you that all of these mistakes are now from the past . THE PAST

Let the book and stand up , leave the room , take a quick look at your family before going to the street . you are out now right ! If the weather is good and a bit windy then you are happy like " the happy page of your book plus , love and success " you can feel the wind touches your skin and plays with your hair I can feel you smile a bit while the sun sends its warm raises to you . keep walking , I want you too see all the faces in the street I want you to keep their faces in your mind like you will die at any time . now take a seat just close your eyes and began to think about our main topic timing

I can say that you are telling yourself that " something came in the right timing but others came in the wrong timing " have you asked yourself why all happened to you ?! I will tell you cause Allah knows the right timing for you even if it was for you the wrong timing . I don't want you to be ashamed from things happened in the past just let it go and live the moment also I don't want you to be afraid of the future just as I said again let things run smoothly Allah always know the right timing for you and plus don't be upset if you think it's a wrong timing for you

Now let's think if you didn't take a look at the people you love before going out I mean the people you love " your family , friends and your lover " now you are in the street the weather is gloomy and dull , you began to be annoyed and started to run , you are running from you fears , mistakes , failure and depression all of these things are chasing you , you just can't face it , you kept running but with no path , no way to get out . you can't see people all you see is dark ,your darkness side wanna appear , you are fading slowly you are now on you knees , covering your ears with your hands and screaming Plus crying you wanna someone to lend you hand to stand up and fight with you but these is no one . you are just simply alone

You know why all of that happening to you cause you let your thoughts control you , they're saying " why all of that happening to me , I didn't do something wrong with my life " . you can see all the people achieving their dreams and you are sitting here crying yourself a river cause you fucking let go all your happiness and focused on your worst

All of that like the page of fear,hate,failure and a bit depression

I want you now to think about one thing only one thing that is timing . don't think that I'm telling you your fate is not good like others or let your happiness with someone else who can controls it like he/she wants I just wanna tell you let go cause timing is a part from our daily life we can't control it . all people even me the writer complains about the fucking timing I always wanna scream when like I'm now wanna do something I arranged everything in my head but then something or someone come and cut me off from my thoughts or from what I do and I simply say you just always comes in THE WRONG FUCKING TIMING

I'm here trying to persuade you who are reading this I wanna you to let go I wanna you to think about your present not past or future I wanna you to enjoy the moment live every second of it and let everything run smoothly .

No you can stop imagining 😉

The writer . M

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