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Can you forgive me ?!

A simple word can settle down a war and achieve peace between you and the others

Forgive me is like saying sorry

Well I say saying sorry all of the time make is hard to forgive like when you make a mistake every single day and just saying sorry about it make it really hard to accept it

Well imagine that you are in a circle you are surrounded by a lot of people from different nationalities , religion , skin colour , hair colour , tall , short ..........etc , I say you all ARE DIFFERENT . Now you can see the difference right

That difference shows different mistakes , different apologies , different situations

Well all of us humans are different by nature

Put your left hand on your left side of your face

What can you see ?! Tell me

You will see half humans , right

See , by that we all complete each other that's why Allah " God " created us , to complete each other

You can't imagine how will someone feels when you forgive him/her it will turn their world upside down from sadness to happiness

But if the mistake the person did was SO BIG then ............ Leave that person for time cause TIME HEALS . not you

The writer . M

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