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Some things stay forever and some things only last for seconds and go

Our feelings are like an ocean full of waves actually need an anchor to make them stay still

We should be careful about our feelings

It's like you are keeping a jewel in a box and keep that box in a safe place

But what if we took that jewel out of the box and started to break it .........

With every single bad word you hear or watch bad scenes in your life that jewel starts to break little by little

Also it's like a field full of rises actually beautiful roses that are colorful

If you love yourself and love others you will try your best to keep that jewel safe and also the field but if you didn't you will break that jewel and also you will destroy the field


There is a beautiful flower in front of your house actually a white flower you started to water it and keep an eye on it every day ........... Day after day the flower gets more prettier and also yourself but suddenly

One day you found that the flower has some thorns and you tired to take them off but you got hurt and now you are bleeding , you got angry and you picked the flower and threw it , the flower got some of your blood on it and it became red

After it was so white

It became dark

See our feelings don't last forever also people if you thought once about having some people you picked in your life and you persuaded yourself they will stay with me FOREVER then my dear you are slightly wrong

Cause I can't deny that there are some people who would stay with you forever but these people are rare

Also our feelings love can stay in our heart for so long but suddenly hate can replace it

Our feeling are like a flame waiting for it be bigger and bigger until they became a burning fire

So don't play with other's feelings cause that fire can hurt you

And trust me that PAIN will last forever

The writer . M

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