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Can I trust YOU ?!

We always ask that questions to anyone who is with us . we just simply wanna their trust but have you asked yourself about their opinion about having their trust for you ?!

We always wanna a survival to our secrets , bad memories , maybe our problems , just a bit of happy events and more

Trust is like a thin rope between truth and treason

Truth first cause truth is connected to trust every thing u tell anybody who haves your trust and Vic Versa you both telling the truth to each other cause you both are sure that none of u both won't tell anyone about those things

But what about treason . have u both asked yourselves about how much you both trust each other ?! No u haven't , Right

I'm right

Cause u both were blind , you both were scared of those secrets , you both wanted a a person to tell or like a box with a key to hide those things and throw the key to an unknown place so that the box won't open and let those secrets escape

Treason is when one of you both tell your secrets to another person that's why u will feel weak , sad , angry , hopeless and all of bad feelings

U feel u can't trust anyone in this world not any more

U lost yourself control on your feelings like there is someone who put a knife on your back that's called treason someone who cheated on you

So I say don't trust anyone easily

The writer . M

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